- paleonet Dinosaurs are thousands, not millions of years old, Lane, Harold
- paleonet Paleontology Portal, Tim White
- paleonet ID in the Classroom, TomDeVrie
- Re: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Bill Chaisson/Deirdre Cunningham
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Nancy Meyer
- RE: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Andy Rindsberg
- RE: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Nancy Meyer
- RE: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Bill Chaisson/Deirdre Cunningham
- paleonet Modern Human Origins, Ana C. Pinto
- Re: paleonet Modern Human Origins, Nikolaus Malchus
- Re: paleonet Modern Human Origins, Phil Bock
- Re: paleonet Modern Human Origins, Nikolaus Malchus
- RE: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Andy Rindsberg
- RE: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Peg Yacobucci
- RE: WAS paleonet ID in the Classroom NOW Scientific Racism, Peg Yacobucci
- RE: WAS paleonet ID in the Classroom NOW Scientific Racism, Andy Rindsberg
- RE: paleonet ID in the Classroom, Nancy Meyer
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