Title: Re: paleonet ID in the Classroom
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:14
Subject: Re: paleonet ID in the
The fact that Intelligent Design is a hotly debated issue is an
excellent reason to offer a course in the Philosophy Department on "The
Roots of Modern Discourse concerning Evolution," but it is an
exceptionally lousy reason to do anything more than to acknowledge the
existence of ID and move on with a biologically and paleontologically
grounded course on evolution.
How long could it take to outline the elements of intelligent
design? ID is for people who insist that there is some sort of purpose
woven into the history of Nature. Therefore adherents to ID should be
discouraged from pursuing the parts of physics, chemistry, biology and
geology that are perverted by the insistence on the existence of an
omniscient design(er). Let them design lasers and masers like Charles
Towne. And let's all rebut them with vigor when they stick their noses
in where they will only hinder us from discovering something closer to the
No. The moder IDers insist that there are
some features of life (bacterial flagella, metabolic pathways etc) or the
Universe (supposedly fine-tuned for life) that can not be explained by
evolution/naturalism. Therefore, "True" science must include
I find it amazing that any scientist in America,
where the front line of this war is being fought, still do not understand the
ID position.
Contact the National Centre for Science Education
to learn about ID and the Wedge
These Neo-Creationists are not just going
to study lasers just because you want them to. They want to change the
"Whole Cloth" of science to fit their religion.
It is important that college students learn WHY many members of the
scientific (and broader academic) community do NOT find the guiding hand of
a deity to be particularly helpful or necessary.
If a geology professor says "I don't want to talk about it", then he or
she is unlikely to "win any hearts and minds", as they used to say.
I agree that discussion can be
good. I think courses on critical thinking would do many science
students a lot of good
Regards Paul Blake http://users.bigpond.net.au/paul_blake/ -------------------------------------- Ignorance
more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know
little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or
that problem will never be solved by science. - Charles
Darwin --------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------- William P.
Chaisson Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences University of Rochester Rochester, NY
14627 607-387-3892
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