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Re: paleonet ID in the Classroom

This is the problem I have with the theory that Homo
erectus evolved all over the world into the same species.
It smacks of Intelligent Design. 
--- Paul Blake <p.blake@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> Re: paleonet ID in the Classroom
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: Bill Chaisson/Deirdre Cunningham 
>     To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk 
>     Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:14 AM
>     Subject: Re: paleonet ID in the Classroom
>     <snip>
>       The fact that Intelligent Design is a hotly debated
> issue is an excellent reason to offer a course in the
> Philosophy Department on "The Roots of Modern Discourse
> concerning Evolution," but it is an exceptionally lousy
> reason to do anything more than to acknowledge the
> existence of ID and move on with a biologically and
> paleontologically grounded course on evolution.
>     How long could it take to outline the elements of
> intelligent design?  ID is for people who insist that
> there is some sort of purpose woven into the history of
> Nature.  Therefore adherents to ID should be discouraged
> from pursuing the parts of physics, chemistry, biology
> and geology that are perverted by the insistence on the
> existence of an omniscient design(er).  Let them design
> lasers and masers like Charles Towne.  And let's all
> rebut them with vigor when they stick their noses in
> where they will only hinder us from discovering something
> closer to the truth.
>   No.  The moder IDers insist that there are some
> features of life (bacterial flagella, metabolic pathways
> etc) or the Universe (supposedly fine-tuned for life)
> that can not be explained by evolution/naturalism. 
> Therefore, "True" science must include supernaturalism.
>   I find it amazing that any scientist in America, where
> the front line of this war is being fought, still do not
> understand the ID position.
>   Contact the National Centre for Science Education to
> learn about ID and the Wedge
>   http://www.ncseweb.org/default.asp
>   These Neo-Creationists  are not just going to study
> lasers just because you want them to.  They want to
> change the "Whole Cloth" of science to fit their
> religion.
>     It is important that college students learn WHY many
> members of the scientific (and broader academic)
> community do NOT find the guiding hand of a deity to be
> particularly helpful or necessary.
>     If a geology professor says "I don't want to talk
> about it", then he or she is unlikely to "win any hearts
> and minds", as they used to say.
>     Bill
>   I agree that discussion can be good.  I think courses
> on critical thinking would do many science students a lot
> of good
>   Regards
>   Paul Blake
>   http://users.bigpond.net.au/paul_blake/
>   --------------------------------------
>   Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does
> knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who
> know much, who so positively assert that this or that
> problem will never be solved by science. - Charles Darwin
>   --------------------------------------
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------
>     William P. Chaisson
>     Adjunct Assistant Professor
>     Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
>     University of Rochester
>     Rochester, NY  14627
>     607-387-3892
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"The United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian religion." - George Washington

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