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RE: paleonet Who is Granier

I do not believe that paleonet or the paleontological community should
operate the way Senator Joseph McCarthy or Joseph Stalin would do.  An
accusation is not the same as evidence.  Dr. Canu (who has divulged very
little information about himself) has accused Bruno Granier (whom I know
slightly and believe to be an honest researcher) of serious misconduct, in
an open forum.  I do not believe this mailing list should function as a
court.  By contrast, Dr. Granier referred to a publication in preparation
dealing with the subject of scientific misconduct.  He did not accuse a
fellow member of the list of anything until he was personally attacked.

Plagiarism and the other offenses that recently have been referred to on
this list are serious and should be exposed whenever they occur.  However,
such exposure is only possible when independent individuals review relevant
data.  It is not helpful to the science to make public accusations without
supporting evidence. It is inconsiderate and harmful to attack someone's
reputation in this manner.


David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Geological Survey of Alabama
P.O. Box 869999
Tuscaloosa AL 35486-6999
(205) 247-3695 (direct line/voice mail)
(205) 349-2852 (switchboard)
fax 349-2861

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-----Original Message-----
From: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk [mailto:paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk] On Behalf
Of Xavier Panades I Blas
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 10:53 AM
To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
Subject: Re: paleonet Who is Granier

I think Dr. Canu should contact Dr. Granier University or employee and he
should be investigated seriously. Particularly somebody that so freely
judges other people by their work and origin and then his work is based on
dodgy background....I wonder his deep and sincere love for the Spanish State
comes from...


Xavier Panades I Blas
55, Marksbury Road
Bristol BS3 5JY
England (EC)


From: Bruno GRANIER <bruno-granier@wanadoo.fr>
Reply-To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
Subject: Re: paleonet Who is Granier
Date: Thu,  2 Nov 2006 16:53:08 +0100 (CET)

Thank you again Mr. X for advertising my work (though few people in this
list care about fossil Dasycladales), not to forget my co-authors' work!
I am going to ease your "job": my published work is listed on
(eventually you can download some!)

Which one will you choose next? Where are your proofs?

I also have reprints available for this paper in case anyone is interested I
can send him/her a copy (I have more than thirty five left):
Granier B., Ait Sliman M.A. & Fedan B. [1997].- "Triploporella ? atlasica n.

sp., une Dasycladacée (Algue verte) du Paléocène-Eocène de l'Atlas
moyen, Maroc". Revue de Paléobiologie, Geneva, 16/1, p. 47-53, 1 fig., 1

The reply is coming VERY soon ...

Regards to all (except for Mr. X)

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