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paleonet Reply to Canu, Jordon, Samy, Abudallah, Imam, and others

Reply to Canu, Jordon, Samy, Abudallah, Imam, and others (including Xavier who is barking with the dogs!)

That will be my last posting to the list regarding this SPECIAL issue.
This was also a request of some nice people (99.9%) in this list.
I hope the moderator(s) will stop future insane, xenophobe, outrageous messages.

Hereafter is my reply with some evidences. Question marks indicates the degree of confidence in my identification of Mr. X alias Michael Jordon and David Canu (both of them use the same IP), ? aka Ahmed Samy alias Bughaith Abudallah (one is using the email address of the other), ???? alias Mostafa M. Imam (possibly the sole real person on the plot).

Recent postings in Paleonet rise the question of the "uncensored" internet! It is so easy to use an alias/aka (a hotmail or a yahoo ID) and to post insane and/or outrageous messages. Fortunately there are tips that help to find where the trick was. Actually anyone (I should have said only the Paleonet subscribers receiving the list messages) can identify  the IP of  a person who posted a message on Paleonet.  

I have good and bad news (depending on which side we are)!


Message-ID: <BAY20-F199ADB35902AE59E8D8288F7F80@phx.gbl>
Received: from by by20fd.bay20.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;
Wed, 01 Nov 2006 19:45:43 GMT
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Originating-Email: [david_canu@hotmail.com]
X-Sender: david_canu@hotmail.com
From: "david canu" <david_canu@hotmail.com>
To: PaleoNet@nhm.ac.uk
Subject: paleonet Who is Granier
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 19:45:43 +0000


Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 07:57:14 -0500
From: Mike Raath
Subject: Re: I  am looking for information regarding a paleontologist in ZA
Dear Dr Granier,
I doubt if any such person exists, and there is certainly no such institution as "South Africa University". The palaeontological community in South Africa is quite small, and we here in this Institute know them all by name so we would certainly know if there was a person by that name working here. I think 'he' is simply a figment of someone's sick imagination.
Mike Raath
Dr Mike Raath
University Collections Curator
c/o BPI (Pal), Wits University


Message-ID: <20061029144354.25072.qmail@web30014.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Received: from [] by web30014.mail.mud.yahoo.com via HTTP; Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:43:54 PST
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:43:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Michael Jordon <michael_jordon9@yahoo.com>
Subject: paleonet fabrication in nannoplanktoic papers
To: PaleoNet@nhm.ac.uk

Two aliases (IDs) for one IP! Bizarre!?...

Looking for more information on this IP "", I found:
Saudi Arabia
AS8895 KACST/ISU Riyadh Autonomous System

I assume the whole set of ms, either from the so-called "Michael Jordon" or the so-called "David Canu" (it is so easy to create accounts on Yahoo or Hotmail to hide our real identity), was sent by the sole and same person from a PC set in Riyadh, possibly from a cybercafe (or a company office).

Who is behind "Michael Jordon" or "David Canu"?

Further to Julio Aguirre's paper that first reported Imam's fraud

a e-news reporter ("journaliste"), Xavier Bosch, published in "The Scientist" a short paper: "Plagiarism in paleontology"

followed by another, "Fallout from fraud"

At about the same time, some friends of mine in the IFAA (International Fossil Algae Association) received a message similar to the one posted by "David Canu". It was sent by a so-called "Ahmed Samy" who signed it as "Bughaith Abudallah".

Return-Path: <ascat77@yahoo.com>
Received: by REMOVED; Sun, 07 Nov 2004 09:44:35 -0800
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 09:44:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Ahmed Samy <ascat77@yahoo.com>

B. Granier, the greatest fraud in the Paleontological society
When the scientist or any specialized person read any published manuscript, he always rely on the honesty and the honor of the author and his fame , also it is assumed that the data presented in the text are correct. But when we found a mistake we must of course correct it depending on the scientific ethical behaviors, and If someone in the scientific community want to speak about another one or accusing him it must be presented in good manner, not accusing him with worst words. The case in this time is Dr. B. Granier, from france, and as his web site indicate and told us the great papers he published. Just look to one paper presented and published by him in the Journal of Afriacn Earth Science, Vo. 14, No.2, pp. 239 ? 253. This fraud has published several papers by himself and in collaboration with other authors on the algae, micraofacies, carbonate stratigarphy as the web site of him, told that. During these years the fraud has repeatedly plagiarized the w! orks of the other especially in the Middle East area and the Gulf area. The scientific fraud in this case involving not only the plagiarism of images but also stealing the works of the others published works and attributed that to himself. The fraud published a paper tilted as (The algae and the bentonic foraminifera of the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous of Senegal) in Journal of African Earth Science, Vo1. 14, No.2, pp. 239 ? 253.If we go in details in this paper, the reader must know the following :
1. Dr. Granier, in his manuscript p. 248, illustrated the picture of Holosporella senegalensis (Pl.3, figs. 1-2, pl.4. fig.6) as new species discovered by him from the upper Jurassic of Senegal, but actually this pictures are directly reproduced from the work of internal report submitted to the Geological survy of Senegal by Ghano (1987).
2. During the fraud working in Total company, he steal the internal reports carried out by the microplaeontological stuff there as they told us after he returned back to his country.
3. Montiella elitzae identified by the fraud (pl. 2, Fig.1) however this picture is originlaly figured by Hansoni (1976), as Montiella sp., from the Upper Jurassic Of Senegal
4. Neomeris sp. that identified by the fraud (pl. 4, Fig.8) however this picture is reproduced from the work originally figured by Hansoni (1976),with little modifications, from the Upper Jurassic of Senegal Of courses the process will take long time, so our colleagues here in Senegal will prepare in a team work dealing with such fraudulent practice of Dr. Granier, and the rest will coming soon. The fame of Dr. Granier has reached also the Arab world as we reported from other colleagues , his papers will investigated carefully and the scientific community must be informed with such tricks and frauds, sincerely
Dr. Bughaith Abudallah, Senegal

I confess I used an hidden identity (a hotmail one!) to contact "ascatt77" ... he answered me with more "crap"

>From: Ahmed Samy <ascat77@yahoo.com>
>To: REMOVED@hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: Ahmed Samy
>Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 05:34:34 -0800 (PST)
>Dear Sir:
>Firstly, I am not relative or colleague to Dr. Imam (God be merciful with him), or angry with Dr. Granier, But I want ask you one question, If you know that someone fraud or take some internal reports from your country and attributed this work to him, what will you call him? By the way some of the works of Dr. Granier are fabricated very well and I know about this from my colleagues in Senegal, Congo and Angola that I met them in the conferences and about his skill methods, he works with the other to suck their blood and finally he is the pioneer in the work, unfortunately he is the winner at last, and we are the losers, but I want say something: your scientific community must know that there are reviewers take money to pass the papers, and also delivered the gifts and all the methods and I know more than one journal do this bad tricks , let me this day and I will give you definite answers for all what you need.  Sincerely, Dr. Bughaith

Finally, I told him "you belong to the Geological Survey of Senegal (...) in that case you speak French ... il n'y a pas de Service Géologique du Sénégal mais une Direction des Mines et de la Géologie et puisque vous êtes Sénégalais nous pouvons continuer à discuter en Français ... or may be you are not what you pretend you are!". This chapter stopped there!

We are still investigating the Imam's case and here is an excerpt of the draft of the paper we are currently writing:
"In the period 1996 to 2003 before AGUIRRE (2004) made the first report on the matter, Mo(u)stafa Mansour IMAM published 9 papers either alone or as senior author (IMAM, 1996a, 1996b, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003; IMAM & REFAAT, 2000; IMAM & GALMED, 2000), and 2 papers as junior author (PHILLIP et alii, 1997; REFAAT & IMAM, 1999). The fraudulent nature of three papers (IMAM, 1996a, 2003; IMAM & REFAAT, 2000) has been given wide publicity (AGUIRRE, 2004; BOSCH, 2004a, 2004b), so we have hopes that there will be no recurrence of affairs of this nature. However, in order to support new research in the areas/fields he "investigated" (stratigraphy of North Africa, Near East and Middle East and pertinent microfossils), we want to correct the allocations and descriptions he assigned his figures and to prove that there are very probably no valid data to support any of his interpretations. So far we have found 166 more pirated images to add to the 22 discovered by AGUIRRE (2004)."

For example (out of the 166):
http://web.ku.edu/ifaa/Archives/Granier-Senowbari-Daryan.htm (follow the links to see the micrographs)

I might launch a new call for witness as there are still some remaining images for which we suspect they were "borrowed" but we cannot prove it yet.

Recently John A. Talent told the detail of the Gupta's case to a colleague. I copy herefater an excerpt of his (private) message:
"... a statement about the impact on science of Gupta's mammoth heap of
fraudulent publications (not one of the 458 is OK -- even good manuscripts
by his coathors had to be polluted, usually heavily). And then it took off
(death threats and all) like a bushfire on a windy day. Fortunately, Imam
is no longer around, so there can be no fear of attempted retribution.
Many imposters have heart attacks (or commit suicide) soon after being
found out. I wonder if indeed Imam has died, or if he has in fact
disappeared to somewhere else ..."

Who is behind "Michael Jordon", "David Canu", "Ahmed Samy" or "Bughaith Abudallah"?

I am wondering whether he might be a ghost of "Mostafa Imam", as he is reported dead (but I do not believe in ghost stories), ... OR may be the man is still well and alive in Riyadh (KSA) spreading noxious messages to a number of mailboxes and lists.


Another case: I copy hereafter the "kind" private message I received from Xavier. My opinion is done: he is not dumb, he is sick!

> Message du 02/11/06 17:47
> De : "Xavier Panades I Blas" <cogombra@hotmail.com>
> A : bruno-granier@wanadoo.fr
> Copie à :
> Objet : Re: paleonet Paleone:fabrication of nannofossil papers
> So, the defender of the facist French and Spanish states who hates England
> and Catalans et al. is very dodgy....
> Clean first your yard before complaining about somebody elses´s next time
> that you insult somebody
> So typical!
> Respectfully,
> Xavier Panades I Blas
> 55, Marksbury Road
> Bedminster
> Bristol BS3 5JY
> England (EC)
> http://www.acs.bolton.ac.uk/~xp1pls/