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paleonet Fwd: Fighting Creationism - An Update

I just wanted to pass this along.  Please forward it to anyone you think might
be interested.


----- Forwarded message from Michael Zimmerman <mz@uwosh.edu> -----
    Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 09:36:20 -0500
    From: Michael Zimmerman <mz@uwosh.edu>
Reply-To: Michael Zimmerman <mz@uwosh.edu>
 Subject: Fighting Creationism - An Update

Dear Wisconsin Friends of Science,

         You're receiving this note because you've signed a letter to the
Grantsburg, Wisconsin school board protesting their attack on evolution.  I
thought I would provide you with an update on our latest efforts - and
enlist your help.

         I have been circulating the letter that was originally signed by
approximately 200 members of the Christian clergy in Wisconsin to a
national audience.  My goal is to obtain the signatures of 10,000 members
of the Christian clergy nationally and then, working with a number of
organizations, produce a major press release and media campaign.  For too
long, Christian fundamentalists have been asserting that one can't be a
Christian and accept much of modern science.  The letter, along with its
10,000 signatures, should put an end to that terribly erroneous belief.

         The response has been overwhelming.  My e-mail has been swamped,
but 10,000 is a very large number!  We currently have over 2,500 signatures
and thus still have a long way to go.  Here's where you come in.  I'm not
asking for much - merely to forward the web address of our project to
others across the country.  If you know of any clergy members who are not
yet on the list, please send them our URL.  Additionally, if you could
forward the URL to non-clergy friends, collaborators and relatives around
the country asking them to share it with members of the clergy they might
know, that would help enormously.

         The text of the letter, along with the thousands of signatures can
be accessed

         A brief introduction to the project along with some references can
be accessed at:

         Your modest help will help us achieve our goal more quickly.  And
our goal is growing more critically important on a daily basis as the
voices attacking evolution grow ever louder.  Take a look at a recent piece
(free registration required) written in the Washington Post
(http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32444-2005Mar13.html).  Or
take a look at this streaming video from a recent edition of PBS's NewsHour
on the topic
Or this article in USA today discussing the fact that almost one-third of
science teachers indicate that they have been pressured to include
creationism in their classes
(http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2005-03-23-evolution_x.htm).  Or
this piece about how the movie industry is backing away from anything that
might have evolutionary overtones
I could go on but I suspect you get the point!

         Thanks so very much for your past help.  Now, please take a minute
or two and forward our URLs to others and help us expand the network of
clergy aware of our project.  Collectively we can make a difference.


p.s.  If you receive more than one copy of this note, it is because you
signed more than one letter to the Grantsburg school board!

Michael Zimmerman
Office of the Dean
College of Letters and Science
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Oshkosh, Wisconsin  54901

(920) 424-1210

----- End forwarded message -----


Dr. Stephen Q. Dornbos
Assistant Professor
Department of Geosciences
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
Phone: (414) 229-6630
Fax: (414) 229-5452
Dear Wisconsin Friends of Science,

        You're receiving this note because you've signed a letter to the Grantsburg, Wisconsin school board protesting their attack on evolution.  I thought I would provide you with an update on our latest efforts - and enlist your help.

        I have been circulating the letter that was originally signed by approximately 200 members of the Christian clergy in Wisconsin to a national audience.  My goal is to obtain the signatures of 10,000 members of the Christian clergy nationally and then, working with a number of organizations, produce a major press release and media campaign.  For too long, Christian fundamentalists have been asserting that one can't be a Christian and accept much of modern science.  The letter, along with its 10,000 signatures, should put an end to that terribly erroneous belief. 

        The response has been overwhelming.  My e-mail has been swamped, but 10,000 is a very large number!  We currently have over 2,500 signatures and thus still have a long way to go.  Here's where you come in.  I'm not asking for much - merely to forward the web address of our project to others across the country.  If you know of any clergy members who are not yet on the list, please send them our URL.  Additionally, if you could forward the URL to non-clergy friends, collaborators and relatives around the country asking them to share it with members of the clergy they might know, that would help enormously.

        The text of the letter, along with the thousands of signatures can be accessed at:  http://www.uwosh.edu/colleges/cols/religion_science_collaboration.htm

        A brief introduction to the project along with some references can be accessed at:

        Your modest help will help us achieve our goal more quickly.  And our goal is growing more critically important on a daily basis as the voices attacking evolution grow ever louder.  Take a look at a recent piece (free registration required) written in the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32444-2005Mar13.html).  Or take a look at this streaming video from a recent edition of PBS's NewsHour on the topic (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/education/jan-june05/creation_3-28.html). Or this article in USA today discussing the fact that almost one-third of science teachers indicate that they have been pressured to include creationism in their classes (http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2005-03-23-evolution_x.htm). Or this piece about how the movie industry is backing away from anything that might have evolutionary overtones (http://www.ncseweb.org/resources/news/2005/US/49_evolution_and_imax_3_25_2005.asp). I could go on but I suspect you get the point!

        Thanks so very much for your past help.  Now, please take a minute or two and forward our URLs to others and help us expand the network of clergy aware of our project.  Collectively we can make a difference.


p.s.  If you receive more than one copy of this note, it is because you signed more than one letter to the Grantsburg school board!

Michael Zimmerman
Office of the Dean
College of Letters and Science
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Oshkosh, Wisconsin  54901

(920) 424-1210