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paleonet NAPC Taxonomic Dictionary Session

This just in...


You are invited to contribute a paper to a session entitled "The First
Step towards the Development of Taxonomic Dictionaries for all Phanerozoic
Organisms" that we are organizing for the North American Paleontological
Convention (NAPC) to be held June 19-25 in Dalhousie, Nova Scotia.  Below is
a description of the proposed session and more about abstract submission can
be found at <http://meguma.earthsciences.dal.ca/napc/napc2005-s.htm> and
more information on the meeting can be found at
<http://meguma.earthsciences.dal.ca/napc/napc.htm> . Abstract deadline is
January 31.

The first step towards the development of taxonomic dictionaries for all
Phanerozoic organisms

The study of the processes and rates of life evolution is founded on the
description of taxa and the detailed documentation of taxonomic lineages.
This symposium will focus on the current status of taxonomic research and on
the development of digital taxonomic dictionaries for macro- and microfossil
organisms from the Phanerozoic fossil record. The symposium will bring
together expert taxonomists, paleontologists, and paleobiologists with
experts in Information Technology with the goal of: 1. exploring existing
resources and identifying working groups already engaged in the development
of taxonomic dictionaries and atlases; 2. establishing the approach and
requirements for the creation or update of networked, well-documented, and
flexible taxonomic dictionaries for all Phanerozoic taxa; 3. encouraging
collaboration with bioscience groups that are already actively pursuing a
similar goal for living organisms; and 4. inspire expert taxonomists to use
modern IT technology and existing database networks to share their knowledge
with the broader scientific community.

Cinzia Cervato, CHRONOS, Iowa State University, 253 Science I, Ames, IA,
50011 - USA
H. Richard Lane, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA - USA
Brian Huber, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC USA
PD Dr. Cinzia Cervato
Iowa State University
253 Science I
Ames, Iowa 50011

Tel. +1 (515) 294-7583
Fax  +1 (515) 294-6049
WWW  http://www.ge-at.iastate.edu/people/faculty/cervato/

CHRONOS Executive Director