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Re: Re: paleonet Discussion: Anglo-Saxon Science ( ... ) rest of the world: Suggestions

Two comments on this topic:
1) The Israel Program for Scientific Translation was a company which was never profitable (they operated before invention of the word processor), and closed down in the late 1970's when economics became an issue. 
2):-)Those of you who have a problem with English language scientific imperialism, should greatly enjoy my students'  absolutely wonderful theses, and can help us out at the same time.  We are very proud of their work, and are always looking for outside reviewers,  which is somewhat problematic since the University requires the theses be written  in Hebrew.  We will be glad for some volunteers among those who take the position that language should not be a barrier for scientific communication.

> Some years ago, I think at the end of the eighties, I came accross
> in the library of Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg
> a translation of one or two series of the Communications of the
> Soviet Acacdemy of Sciences.
> If I remember it correctly this translation (the whole series)
> was made by an Israelian Institute/Company.
> Does anybody know (also for the community) whether this
> translation is also web based available?
