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paleonet Summary: Anglo-Saxon dominance versus IBERPAL

Hi everybody,

As I told Chris the tenor, I think it is better and more democratic to start 
a discussion objectively without personal opinion, which can be added later 
on. In the Catalan and English cultures that I have more interacted we 
develop discussions in this way.
However, I respect Christopher and other views.

I am surprised the quietness of many scientists that openly have strongly 
critisised the Anglo-Saxon culture, magazines and scientists. Well, their 
time is off now!

My opinion is similar to the others, I think that English ought to remain 
the tool for scientists to communicate for time to come, even when the 
Chinese will take over as the main power in the world. However, it is up to 
each culture to use English as just an international communication tool and 
preserve its own culture. However, scientists should also be allowed to 
write in other languages.
I also think that non-Anglo-Saxon scientists are publishing very good 
papers, see any papers lately about for example dinosaurs from South 
America, Iberia, or About Palaeo-herpetology from Germany. More often you 
see collaborations between anglo-saxons and other scientists and vice versa. 
Basically, this Anglo-Saxon dominance is just knowing where to draw a line 
between cultural boundaries and English as a communication tool. Basically, 
This is a myth!

Accidentally, my trouble from IBERPAL has been unnecessarily used by 
Patricio and Bruno to diminish my integrity as a scientist and person. This 
fact says everything about them as people and scientists, and it is their 
problem, not mine. Therefore, I would like to terminate completely with this 
issue of IBERPAL openly in thes two lists.

1)	I have received emails accussing me of certain untruly facts.
I do not hate anybody from the list of Iberpal, I do not hate Spanish 
scientists, I am working and contacting with them constantly. I am not 
Palaeo-terrorist, Palaeo-integrists, neither a Catalan nationalist, or 
member of the BNP (British National Party), although I defend both cultures 
if I need to. I AM JUST A HUMAN BEING! and as such I respect as much I would 
like to be respected. So, all these private emails you sent me stating all 
the above silly insults, and that if "you come back to Spain neither you 
will not get funding or a position" are non-sense, and exposes the thoughts 
of a minority of the well-respecte scientific Spanish community. In 
addition, the Iberian Peninsula is a very diverse palce, and there are many 
people that think pluriculturally, and for example that Bascs, Gallicians, 
and Catalans are to be considered at the same level as Spaniards culturally, 
not as a part of the Spanish culture, and multiple derivations from that 
idea. You do not have to agree, but, respected! I respect when somebody born 
in Catalonia tells me I am a Spaniard, fantastic where is the problem?

2. Again, in these two international lists I would like to apologize to 
everybody publicly for my comments in IBERPAL. Indeed, I overreacted in my 
Previously, I apologized to the Iberpal moderator Dr. M. Pardo and Dr. 
Paul.Palmqvist by many letters and emails several times since the incident 
by email and letters without any reply from them. I invited the first to 
also include their insulting messages in the list and apologize together. 
Instead of he sent to everybody my so called "ill-mannered" messages, but 
not his. The second, I told him that I understood his anti-Catalan and 
anti-Anglo-Saxon comments in the list, but, please, allow me to disagree. As 
somebody has said the lists must be fun and not a jewel of a Kingdom to be 
preciously guarded and preserved from different thinking!

3. Therefore, I leave prove in this lists that I have seeked any possible 
way to be re-admitted in IBERPAL. However, if I am not welcome to the list 
because of their reasons, it is not my problem.

Finally, I would like to thank the many emails of support received from 
colleagues all around the globe, very necessary when your integrity is 
attacked badly. I hope this message clarifies everything and leaves 
everybody in their place.


Xavier Panades I Blas, Ms

Please, send letters to:

Fuhlrott-Museum / ARCO-Nepal
Auer schulstr. 20
D-42103 Wuppertal
Tel. 0049 202/563 2636/4891
Fax  0049 202/563 8026

Student from:

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
Luisenstrasse 37 Zi. 223/I
80333 München,Germany

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