This page started off life as a PaleoNet blog which was going to be a place I could record my thoughts on various issues in paleontology, academics and life in general. However, after making a decent start in 2019 and 2020, I quickly learned I am constitutionally unsuited to writing short articles on pretty much anything. Also, since it takes time to write longer pieces, the short, rapid release, blog idea was never realized; not even close. As a result, the former PaleoNet blog has now been converted to an Occasional Essays page. But its purpose remains more-or-less the same; provision of a place where I can make some of the things I'm often asked to write for other publications available and where they can be found in a single place. These essays are – and will comntinue to be – be wide ranging. I can't promise they will always be about paleontology. What I will strive to have them be, though, is interesting, informative and (hopefully) fun.