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paleonet New issue of PalArch

Dear colleagues,

First of all, a good and healthy 2006!

The new issue of
www.PalArch.nl is online (official publishing date is 1 January 2006) with:


2 papers on vertebrate palaeontology

( http://www.palarch.nl/Palaeontology/palaeontology.htm)


Beatty, B.L. 2006. Rediscovered specimens of Cornwallius (Mammalia, Desmostylia) from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. – PalArch, series vertebrate palaeontology 1, 1: 1–6.

Kumar, K. 2006. Comments on 'Early Eocene land mammals from Vastan Lignite Mine, District Surat (Gujarat), western India' by Bajpai, S. et al. published in Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 50, 1: 101-113, 2005. – PalArch, series vertebrate palaeontology 1, 2: 7–13.


2 publications in our section archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology ( http://www.palarch.nl/Archaeology/archaeology.htm)


Vandecruys, G. 2006. The Sphinx: dramatising data … and dating. – PalArch, series archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1, 1: 1-13.


Veldmeijer, A.J. Ed. 2006. The PalArch Foundation's Proceedings of the Annual Flemish-Netherlands Egyptologists Meeting, 2005. – PalArch proceedings 1, 3: 1-12.


Still online:


Cooney, K.M. & J. Tyrrell. 2005. Scarabs in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Part I. Distributed propaganda or intimate protection?   – PalArch, serie archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4, 1.


Cooney, K.M. & J. Tyrrell. 2005. Scarabs in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Part II. Catalogue. Online version. – PalArch, serie archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4, 2.


Cooney, K.M. & J. Tyrrell. 2005. Scarabs in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Part II. Catalogue. Image CD version. – PalArch, serie archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4, 2.


book reviews:


Vertebrate palaeontology 


Beatty, B.L. 2006. Book review of: Natali, A. Ed. 2003. Dental Biomechanics. (New York, Taylor & Francis). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm ).

Nieuwland, I.J.J. 2006. Book review of: Galaty, M.L. & C. Watkinson. Eds. 2005. Archaeology under dictatorship. (New York, Kluwer Academic Press/Plenum Publishers). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm ).

Nieuwland, I.J.J. 2006. Book review of: Lustig, A., R.J. Richards & M. Ruse. Eds. 2004. Darwinian heresies. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press) & Shanahan, S. 2004. The evolution of Darwinism. Selection, adaptation and progress in evolutionary biology. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm ).

Panadés I Blas, X. 2006. Book review of: Norell, M.A. & M, Ellison. 2005. Unearthing the dragon. The great feathered dinosaur discovery.  (New York, Pi Press). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm).

Reumer, J.W.F. 2006. Book review of: Lewin, R. 2005. Human evolution (5 th edition). (Oxford, Blackwell Publishing). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm ).


Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology:


Campagno, M. 2006. Book review of: Yoffee, N. 2005. Myths of the archaic state. Evolution of the earliest cities, states, and civilizations. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm).

Cowie, P.J. 2006. Book review of: Morris, E.F. 2005. The architecture of imperialism. Military bases and the evolution of foreign policy in Egypt's New Kingdom. (Leiden, Brill). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm).

Duinmaijer, C.P. 2006. Book review of: El–Daly, O. 2005. Egyptology. The missing millennium. (London, UCL Press). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm ).


Archaeology of northwest Europe:


Meurkens, L. 2006. Book review of: Gabillot, M. 2003. Dépôts et production métallique du Bronze Moyen en France nord-occidentale (BAR International Series 1174). (Archaeopress, Oxford). – PalArch, book reviews. ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm ).

Ikram, S. 2006. Book review of: Henare, A.J.M. 2005. Museums, anthropology and imperial exchange. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). – PalArch, book reviews ( http://www.palarch.nl/Non_scientific/bookreview.htm ).

PalArch Foundation
The Netherlands

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