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paleonet New issue of PalArch

Dear colleagues,

The new issue of
www.PalArch.nl is online (official publishing date is 1 October 2005) with:


3 papers on vertebrate palaeontology:

Sachs, S. 2005. Remarks on the pectoral girdle of Hydrotherosaurus alexandrae (Plesiosauria: Elasmosauridae). - PalArch, serie vertebrate palaeontology 4, 1.

Santi, G. & M. Stoppini. 2005. Predator-prey interaction in the Permian of the Orobic Basin (North Italy). Behavioural consequences. - PalArch, serie vertebrate palaeontology 4, 2.

Everhart, M. 2005. Elasmosaurid remains from the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas; Possible missing elements of the type specimen of Elasmosaurus platyurus Cope 1868? - PalArch, serie vertebrate palaeontology 4, 3. 


2 publications in our section archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, including the first PalArch Image CD:


Cooney, K.M. & J. Tyrrell. 2005. Scarabs in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Part I. Distributed propaganda or intimate protection?   – PalArch, serie archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4, 1.


Cooney, K.M. & J. Tyrrell. 2005. Scarabs in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Part II. Catalogue. Online version. – PalArch, serie archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4, 2.


Cooney, K.M. & J. Tyrrell. 2005. Scarabs in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Part II. Catalogue. Image CD version. – PalArch, serie archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4, 2.


and the following book reviews:


Vertebrate palaeontology 


Beatty, B.L. 2005. Book review of: Janis, C., K. Scott & L. Jacobs Eds. 1998 (2005 Paperback Re-issue). Evolution of Tertiary mammals of North America. Volume 1. Terrestrial carnivores, Ungulates, and Ungulatelike mammals. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).

Kooten, van, C. 2005. Book review of: Mayor, A. 2005. Fossil legends of the first Americans. (Princeton, Princeton University Press ).

Meijer, H.J.M. 2005. Book review of: Murray, P.F. & Vickers-Rich, P. 2004. Magnificent Mihirungs. The colossal flightless birds of the Australian dreamtime. (Bloomington, Indiana University Press).

Schulp, A.S. 2005. Book review of: Dal Sasso, C. & G. Brillante. 2005. Dinosaurs of Italy. (Bloomington, Indiana University Press). -

Storm, P. 2005. Book review of: Beard, C. 2004. The hunt for the dawn monkey. Unearthing the origins of monkeys, apes, and humans. (Berkely/Los Angeles/London, University of California Press).

Storm, P. 2005. Book review of: Cameron, D.W. & C.P. Groves. 2004. Bones, stones and molecules. "Out of Africa" and human origins. (Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press).

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2005. Book review of: Arnold, C. 2004 (illustrations by L. Caple). Pterosaurs. Rulers of the skies in the dinosaur age. (New York, Clarion Books).

Vos, de, J. 2005. Book review of: Prothero, D.P. 2005. The evolution of North American rhinoceroses. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). 

Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology:


Cooney, K.M. 2005. Book review of: Stanwick, P.E. 2003. Portraits of the Ptolemies. Greek kings as Egyptian pharaohs. (Austin, University of Texas Press).

Haarlem, van, W. 2005. Book review of: Redford, D.B. 2004. Excavations at Mendes. Volume 1. The royal necropolis. (Leiden, Brill (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, Vol. 20).


Ikram, S. 2005. Book review of: Halioua B. & B. Ziskind. 2005. Medicine in the days of the pharaohs. (Harvard, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press).


Ikram, S. 2005. Book review of: Richards, J. 2005. Society and death in ancient Egypt mortuary landscapes of the Middle Kingdom. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).


Ikram, S. 2005. Book review of: Christensen, W. 2005.  Empire of ancient Egypt. (New York, Facts On File).


Maessen, M. 2005. Book review of: MacDonald, S. & M. Rice. Eds. 2003. Consuming ancient Egypt. (London, UCL Press (Encounters with ancient Egypt)).

Moje, J. 2005. Book review of: Hölbl, G. 2004. Altägypten im Römischen Reich II.   Der römische Pharao und seine Tempel II: Die Tempel des römischen Nubien. (Mainz, Philipp von Zabern (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie)).


Nyord, R. 2005. Book review of: Molen, van der, R. 2005. An analytical concordance of the verb, the negation and the syntax in Egyptian Coffin Texts. Two volumes. (Leiden, Brill (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section One. The Near and Middle East 77)).


Phillips, J. 2005. Book review of: Edwards, D.N. 2004. The Nubian past. An archaeology of the Sudan. (London,  Routledge).


Rose, P.J.  2005. Book review of: Grzymski, K.A. 2003.  Meroe Reports I. (Mississauga, Benben publications).


Stevenson, A. 2005. Book review of: Knoppers, G. & Hirsch, A. Eds. 2004. Egypt, Israel and the ancient Mediterranean world. (Leiden, Brill (Probleme der Ägyptologie 20)).


Wilkinson, R.H. 2005. Book review of: Yoshimura S. &  J. Kondo. Eds. 2004.  Conservation of the wall paintings in the royal tomb of Amenophis III. First and second phases report. (Paris and Tokyo,   UNESCO and Waseda University).


Archaeology of northwest Europe:


Enckevort, van, H. 2005. Book review of: Roymans, N. 2004. Ethnic identity and imperial power. The Batavians in the Early Roman Empire. (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies)).


Heirbaut, E.N.A. 2005. Book review of: Menotti, F. Ed. 2004. Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe. 150 years of lake–dwelling research. (London/New York, Routledge).


Meylemans, E. 2005. Book review of: Nixon, T. Ed. 2004. Preserving Archaeological Remains in situ? Proceedings of the 2nd conference 12-14 September 2001, London. (London, Museum of London Archaeology Service, (MOLAS)).


Trosper, J. 2005. Book review of: Rodgers, B. 2004. The Archaeologist's manual for conservation. A guide to non–toxic, minimal intervention artifact stabilization. (New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers).


Kind regards,


Hanneke Meijer

Vice Chairman, PalArch Foundation


PS Please, notice our 'Call for papers and monographs' at ( http://www.palarch.nl/algcallforpapers.htm). 



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