Palaeobiology, A Synthesis, edited by DEG Briggs and PR Crowther, was one
of the great palaeontological publishing successes of the last 20
years. Originally produced in 1990 as a joint venture between the
Palaeontological Association and Blackwell Scientific Publications, its
encyclopaedic form made it an ideal and widely-used teaching reference
across the world.
The hard copy has been out of print for some years, and Blackwell's more
recent 'Paleobiology' (by the same editors) does not cover exactly the
same ground. Therefore The Palaeontological Association and
Blackwells have arranged for the original 1990 text to be freely
downloadable, chapter by chapter, to any interested person.
Multiple copies may be taken, so this remains an ideal teaching
Links from the Palaeontological Association website at will
soon be set up. In the meanwhile, the text can be accessed through
the Blackwell website at,
or direct through
Tim Palmer
Executive Officer, The Palaeontological Association