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paleonet FW: SESAR: Solid Earth Sample Registry

-----Original Message-----
From: Kerstin Lehnert [mailto:lehnert@ldeo.columbia.edu]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 6:07 PM
To: jhoney@usgs.gov; cmk@agiweb.org; dsg@sdsc.edu; robert.huber@stratigraphy.net; curators@mailman.ngdc.noaa.gov; James Luhr; r.g.rothwell@soc.soton.ac.uk; pitlab@vt.edu; earthsci@usc.edu; mcrawfor@brynmawr.edu; Tracy Rushmer; wsnyder@boisestate.edu; Chaitan Baru; rjb@ou.edu; wsmith@ucsd.edu; macintyre.ian@nmnh.si.edu; spearf@rpi.edu; mathez@amnh.org; kflessa@geo.arizona.ed; dmirante@brynmawr.edu; Laura.zahm@beg.utexas.edu; bbuczkowski@usgs.gov; scarey@gso.uri.edu; Melson.William@nmnh.si.edu; IHardy@nrcan.gc.ca; Lee.Allison@gov.state.ks.us; Francis Albarede; esulliva@bayou.uh.edu; Hubert Staudigel; ens.klump@gfz-potsdam.de; Fred.m.weaver@sbcglobal.net; lpeterson@rsmas.miami.edu; Anthony Koppers; sorena@volcano.si.edu; cfrazee@usgs.gov; psikora@egi.utah.edu; bwardlaw@usgs.gov; amix@coas.oregonstate.edu; mikulic@isgs.uiuc.edu; noren021@umn.edu; patty@ig.utexas.edu; David Christie; wise@quartz.gly.fsu.edu; Charles H. Langmuir; eito@tc.umn.edu; Rusty Lotti Bond; firth@odpmail.tamu.edu; Shirley Dutton; klausw@geology.wisc.edu; Anne Grunow; Cinzia Cervato; hickman@usgs.gov; pworstell@ucsd.edu; kbice@whoi.edu; sneuzil@usgs.gov; Vladimir Davydov; 'Basil Tikoff'; eroosen@whoi.edu; Ethan L. Grossman; bconard@coas.oregonstate.edu; sro@gpi.uni-kiel.de; John Helly; jbroda@whoi.edu; kgm@rci.rutgers.edu; Chris.Maples@dri.edu; Bev.dejarnett@beg.utexas.edu; seber@sdsc.edu; 'lsoreg@ou.edu' Soreghan; jtribble@soest.hawaii.edu; jpadman@coas.oregonstate.edu; Flynn@fieldmuseum.org; prenne@bgc.org; Albrecht Hofmann; marlino@ucar.ed; mbrown@geol.umd.edu; jay.kipper@beg.utexas.edu; jkluesse@uwc.edu; jksmith@rice.edu; Scott.tinker@beg.utexas.edu; oldow@uidaho.edu; wbrueckmann@ifm-geomar.de; Frank Rack; curry@whoi.edu; John Graybeal
Cc: Sri Vinayagamoorthy; Steven L Goldstein; Christopher Lenhardt; Dave Epp; Richard Lane
Subject: SESAR: Solid Earth Sample Registry

SESAR, the Solid Earth Sample Registry, is an NSF-funded project started Sept 1, 2004, as a response to the urgent need for unique sample identifiers in the development of a Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure.

SESAR is building a web-based digital registry for solid earth samples that will provide for the first time a way to uniquely name and identify samples on a global scale by means of the International Geo Sample Number IGSN. Establishing SESAR and the IGSN will have a wide-ranging impact on sample and data management, especially with respect to sample sharing and data integration, addressing a basic requirement for interoperability among information systems for sample-based data.

To find out more about SESAR, visit


or come to one of the following SESAR presentations at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco:

-       Session SF32A, Wednesday, Dec 15, 2004, 12:00pm, Moscone West, Room 3010: “SESAR: Addressing the need for unique sample identification in the Solid Earth Sciences” (Lehnert, K., Goldstein, S.L., Lenhardt, W.C., Vinayagamoorthy, S.)

-       Town Hall Meeting “The MARGINS Database: Its Part in the Marine Geosciences Data Management System and Benefits of Integrated Data Access and Visualization for Researchers and Educators”, Thursday, Dec 16, 6:30pm, Moscone West, Room 3006

-       Tuesday, Dec 15, to Friday, Dec 17, all day at the EarthChem booth in the exhibit hall (booth #231 within the "NSF Community", next to CHRONOS and NSF-OPP).

Please forward this message to any colleagues who might be interested in this project, and feel free to contact any of us if you have further questions and comments. We welcome your input. You can also register as a user at the SESAR web site (www.geosamples.org) to receive regular updates on the project.

With best wishes for a peaceful Holiday Season,

The SESAR Team

Kerstin Lehnert (lehnert@ldeo.columbia.edu)

Steve Goldstein (steveg@ldeo.columbia.edu)

Christopher Lenhardt (clenhardt@ciesin.columbia.edu)

Sri Vinayagamoorthy (sri@ciesin.columbia.edu)

Dr. Kerstin Lehnert

Coordinator for Research Administration

Office of the Director

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

61 Route 9W

Palisades, NY 10964


Phone: 845-365-8506

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