Funny isn't it that any doctor would be an anti-evolutionist, given
that in some respects they are on the front-line evolutionary battles
with bacteria, HIV, malaria, and other diseases that literally are
naturally selected by the very drugs that doctors apply right in front of
their own noses. I am very sorry that I did not emphasize even more
this relevance to my Biology 1 class of 650 students, of whom about 90%
must be pre-meds. I am depressed by this, but I guess not
surprised. We, or at least I, will have to do a much better
job with evolution, selection, and the medical condition of the
world. Sad.
Anyone else deal with this problem in classes? Must be a
world-wide problem. Let's get an evolutionary biologist (or
paleobiologist even better] in every med school!
The new
site for teachers deals a bit with this. [Although sponsored by Berkeley, I didn't have anything to do with it, but it did win a couple of prizes lately, so must be worth a look for teachers of evolution.]