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paleonet MIKRO-2005 Workshop


Invitation to ‘MIKRO-2005’


Dear Micropalaeontologists and Paleonetters,

We kindly bring to your attention the 5th Micropalaeontological Workshop MIKRO-2005 in Poland and invite you
to submit a research paper. The Institute of Geological Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences and the Grzybowski Foundation
are pleased to host this meeting and to showcase our long, vibrant, and ongoing tradition of Polish micropaleontological research.
We propose the Polish Outer Carpathians as location of the Workshop. ‘MIKRO’ will be held in Szymbark near Gorlice
(SE Poland, Beskidy Mountains, 130 km from Kraków), on June 8-10, 2005 (next year!).
We plan 2 days of presentations (lectures and posters) and one-day field trip.
Conference languages are Polish and English.

The Conference offers the opportunity to meet nearly all Polish micropalaeontologists and foreign guests involved 
in research in this part of Europe, to discuss problems and solutions in this field, to identify new issues, 
and to shape directions and joint projects for future research. 
Our WebLINK: http://www.ing.pan.pl/indek5_a.htm 
We invite you to submit a full paper of 5 to 10 pages (Letter or A4 paper) for oral or poster presentations. 
We want to publish the monograph entitled "Methods and Applications in Micropalaeontology" to celebrate 
the 5th Micropalaeontological Workshop MIKRO-2005 (please contact organizers for further details). 
Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and original results. Review papers are also welcome. 
The monograph will be fully refereed and published before the Workshop. 


The registration deadline is set for June 04, 2004 (very soon!).
Registration/Reply forms (including a title and volume of the monography paper) are available at:


Please reply to: Marzena Oliwkiewicz-Miklasinska, ndmiklas@cyf-kr.edu.pl

Institute of Geological Sciences,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Kraków Research Centre in Kraków
Senacka 1, 31-002 Kraków
phone (48) (12) 422 19 10, 422 89 20
fax (48) (12) 422 16 09

The submission deadline for both papers and conventional abstracts is set for October 15, 2004.
We encourage all contributors to start preparation early. Contributions may be submitted electronically
any time after July 1st, 2004.


Details on registration fees, accommodation, and meeting schedule will be given
in the Second Circular, which will be sent later this year.

Organizing Committee of 5th Workshop MIKRO-2005

Przemysław Gedl, PhD (field trip organiser) - ndgedl@cyf-kr.edu.pl
Michael A. Kaminski, PhD - m.kaminski@ucl.ac.uk
Marzena Oliwkiewicz-Miklasińska, PhD (secretary) - ndmiklas@cyf-kr.edu.pl
Jarosław Tyszka, PhD (chairman, co-ordinator of the monography edition) -  ndtyszka@cyf-kr.edu.pl