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paleonet Workshop annoucement


Monday and Tuesday, June 16th and 17th, 2003. The workshop will start at
9:30 a.m. on Monday, June 16th, and end Tuesday evening, June 17th.

The workshop will be held at the Aula Magna of the Dipartimento delle
Risorse Naturali e Culturali, University of Ferrara, Corso Porta Mare 2,
Ferrara, Italy.

The theme of this international workshop focuses on Oligo-Miocene carbonate
successions and will include aspects of marine benthic communities, facies
analysis, palaeoecological interpretations, carbonate platform
architecture, palaeogeography and palaeoclimatologic settings. The workshop
is aimed at encouraging the scientific exchange of ideas and to generate
new research initiatives. We aim towards an integrated, multidisciplinary
approach to all aspects of carbonates and their components. There is no
taxonomic or geographic restriction to potential contributions. All levels
of approach are to be considered ranging from the detailed analyses of
component morphology, the diversity of assemblages and organism interaction
to the evolution of benthic communities.
The Oligo-Miocene is characterised by a number of important changes
influencing carbonate-producing biota and the architecture of carbonate
platforms. These include (a) the continuing evolution and extinction of
specific biota which contribute to carbonate sediments; (b) dramatic
changes in palaeogeography related to plate tectonic movements and sea
level changes; and (c) a complex climatic history with a stepwise
transition toward cooler climates following the onset of glaciation in the
Southern Hemisphere. Oligo-Miocene carbonate facies are dominated by a wide
range of different biogenic components including calcareous algae, larger
foraminifera, corals, molluscs and bryozoans. Recent interpretations of
corresponding facies patterns have discussed various aspects of component
interactions, depositional environments, shelf and ramp geometries,
nutrient regimes and climate control.
Different aspects of Oligo-Miocene carbonates will be presented in five
keynote lectures. Posters are welcome for any theme related to the subject
of the workshop.

Juan Carlos Braga (University of Granada, Spain), Lukas Hottinger (Natural
History Museum, Basle Switzerland), James H. Nebelsick (University of
Tübingen, Germany), Werner E. Piller (University of Graz, Austria), Lucia
Simone (University of Naples Federico II).

Registration via electronic mail to: bsd@unife.it. Registration fees are ¤
90,00 (¤ 60,00 for students) and will be paid on site during the first day
of the workshop. Refunding is not possible.
Student attendance of the workshop will be evaluated for 1 ETCS (European
Transfer Credit System).
Participants are welcome to present posters for which ample discussion time
is guaranteed. The official language is English. The abstract deadline is
May 1st, 2003. Abstracts should be submitted as a rft-file (Times New
Roman, 12 Font, doubled-spaced, with genus and species names in Italics).
The title should be followed by the name(s) and address(es) of the
author(s). The abstracts must not exceed two A4 pages in length;
illustrations in jpg-format (200 dpi) are welcome. Abstracts will be
published in a special volume of the Annali dell'Università di
Ferrara-Sezione Scienze della Terra. The final programme will be sent to
participants during May.

Registration fee includes workshop sessions, refreshments at breaks (twice
daily) on June 16th and 17th, and a copy of the abstract book. All events
will be held at the Aula Magna of the Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e
Culturali, Corso Porta Mare 2, I-44100 Ferrara, Italy. The registration fee
does not include lodging, meals or transportation costs to and from
Ferrara. Workshop participants should organise their own travel
arrangements and local accommodations in Ferrara
(http://www.ferraraterraeacqua.it/default_eng.htm). Ferrara is accessible
by several modes of transportation, including major rail services and can
be easily reached from Bologna and Venice International Airports by train.

Davide Bassi, bsd@unife.it, Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e
Culturali, University of Ferrara, Corso Porta Mare 2, I-44100 Ferrara,