- Re: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, Frank Holterhoff
- Re: paleonet Not so Good news for evolution and science teaching, Dinogeorge
- RE: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, Breandán MacGabhann
- paleonet Good opinion piece on creationism., Edward Hennessey
- RE: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, Blake Paul
- Re: paleonet Good opinion piece on creationism., Breandán MacGabhann
- RE: paleonet Good opinion piece on creationism., Blake Paul
- Re: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, David Goodwin
- paleonet Blackburn Press Reprints Three Classic Books, Blackburn Press
- Re: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, Jere H. Lipps
- paleonet Early vertebrates at NAPC, Mark Purnell
- Re: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, baldwin
- RE: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, Dr. Lisa E. Park
- paleonet M. FINNLUND email???, Xavier Panades I Blas
- Re: paleonet Good news for evolution and science teaching, bivalve
- paleonet NYTimes editorial on Creationism, Dr. Lisa E. Park
- paleonet paleontology position and compatibility with creation/youngearth, John Dawson
- paleonet paleontology position and compatibility with creation/young earth, William Douglas Boyce
- RE: paleonet NYTimes editorial on Creationism, Xavier Panades I Blas
- paleonet Australasian VP conference and Extinctions symposium, Liz Reed
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