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Greetings, I should think that a Geology/Paleontology degree from this place would be valueless. How could the university be accredited in the first place (assuming it is)? Regards, Doug Boyce ___________________________________________________________ About Liberty http://www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?PID=6899 "Liberty University is a registered trademark · ©Copyright 2005" ___________________________________________________________ On Monday, January 24, 2005 at 15:18:29 NST, John Dawson <JDAWSON@kirkwood.edu> wrote: Hi Since we are talking about paleontology and creationism again, I thought I would tell you about a job ad I recently saw. It reads: Geology:Ph.D. required. Teaching Introductory Geology, Paleontology, and History of Life. Compatibility with a young-earth creationist position required. This is at Liberty University and you can see the ad here: http://www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?printpage=yPID=4353&PID=4353 Since I've been looking for jobs lately, I wondered about applying to this position for fun. I really wonder how large an applicant pool they will have when most paleontologists, by design of the science, should not be compatible with the view of the university. John -------------------------------------------------------------- John P. Dawson, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics and Science Kirkwood Community College 1816 Lower Muscatine Rd. Iowa City, IA 52240 Phone: 319-887-3944 Fax: 319-887-3606 E-mail: john.dawson@kirkwood.edu Web: http://faculty.kirkwood.edu/jdawson ___________________________________________________________ -- *Mr. Doug Boyce, M.Sc., P.Geo., Provincial Paleontologist, Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, Canada A1B 4J6 Phone: (709) 729-2163 Fax: (709) 729-4270 http://www.gov.nf.ca/mines&en/geosurvey/aboutus/sections/regional/boyce.stm http://www.geosurv.gov.nf.ca/education/fossils/index.html http://www.canadianrockhound.com/summer97/cr9701301_nfld.html http://www.spnhc.org/documents/fossilprotection.htm ___________________________________________________________
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