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CONTINENTAL EARLY PERMIAN (CISURALIAN) PALEOENVIRONMENTS ; PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL COMPONENTS AGPT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM TO BE HELD AT AUTUN (JULY 2 –5, 2007) , Burgundy, France SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Over the last twenty years, paleontological records as well as phylogenetical surveys on vertebrata taxa have been fitted to bio-geochemical and sedimentological results and interpreted considering the global early Permian structural and geodynamic setting. All these data resulted in enhanced reconstruction of both floral, fauna and environments changes during the Permian times which are coupled with the onset of a gradual aridity. The cause-and-effects of the related major biological changes are badly documented given the large vertical extension of red beds, mainly unsuited to fossilisation. As a consequence, early Cisuralian datations and correlations of continental sediments with their marine counterparts are generally questionable. Stable isotopes and radiochronology studies recovered or currently undertaken in some basins may help to reconstruct a coherent history of the Continental early Permian. The multidisciplinary approach of the Autun Symposium may lead to improve the knowledge of the early Permian paleoenvironment trends and help to solve part of the above mentioned problems. Symposium proposed topics Cisuralian chrono-and biostatigraphy Structural geology , sedimentology and volcanism of Early Permian deposits Bituminous shales of the Autun basin Paleoenvironments : composition and dynamics Fauna and Flora biodiversity Publication of contributions Abstracts will be printed in Autun . Oral contributions and posters are intended to be published in either a French or an international publication. Pre-symposium field trip A one day excursion will be organised to visit the main sections outcropping in the Autun basin and the Morvan volcanism. ORGANIZATION Organizing commitee DURAND Marc, AGPT President GAND Georges, AGPT Past President CHÂTEAUNEUF Jean-Jacques, AGPT Secretary DAMOTTE Bernard, AGPT Treasurer STEYER J.Sébastien, AGPT Councillor CHABARDDominique, Autun Museum Curator Scientific Committee Stratigraphy: SCHNEIDER Jôrg (Univ. de Freiberg, Saxe), CASSINIS Giuseppe (Univ. de Padova), LUCAS Spencer( New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science) Physical environment and sedimentology: DURAND Marc (Univ. de Nancy), GUIRAUD (Univ. de Bourgogne) Structural geology and volcanism : DEROIN Jean-Paul (Université de Bordeaux 3) et BONIN Bernard (Université d’Orsay) Biological environments Flora: BROUTIN Jean (Univ. P et M Curie, Paris VI), GALTIER Jean (CIRAD, UMR 5120 CNRS Montpellier) , KERP Hans (Paléobotanique, Univ. Munster) Fauna : ŠTAMBERG Stanislav (Univ. de Prague) STEYER J.Sébastien (UMR 5143 du CNRS, MNHN, Paris), WERNEBURG Ralf (Muséum de Schleusingen, Saxe), Nour-Eddine JALIL, (Univ. de Marakech), BATTAIL Bernard (MNHN), Chris SIDOR (University of Washington, USA).GAND Georges (UMR: Biogéosciences, Univ. de Bourgogne, NEL André ( Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris) SPONSORSHIP Association paléontologique française (APF) Organisation Francophone de Paléobotanique (OFP) Association des sédimentologistes français (ASF) Comité français de stratigraphie (CFS) CNRS: UMR 5561: Biogéosciences et Centre des Sciences de la Terre (Univ. de Bourgogne) Municipalité et Muséum d'Histoire naturelle d’Autun Parc naturel régional du Morvan (PNRM) Société d'histoire naturelle d'Autun (SHNA) PRELIMINARY PROGRAM July 2 : Field trip in Autun Basin and Morvan massif July 3 morning : Symposium registration July 3 morning to July 5 afternoon : Scientific sessions SYMPOSIUM VENUE Grand salon d’honneur de la Mairie d’Autun Great reception room of the Autun Town hall (Burgundy, France) APPROXIMATIVE REGISTRATION COST Symposium and field trip : 80 € Symposium only : 30 € KEY DATES First registration dead line : December 2006 Second registration mailing : January 2007 TECHNICAL SECRETARY First Circular registration form is to be sent to AGPT Secretary : Dr. Jean-Jacques Chateauneuf, 8 quai du Châtelet, 45000-Orléans either by post or by e-mail at Chateauboy@wanadoo.fr …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FIRST CIRCULAR REGISTRATION SURNAME……………………… FIRST NAME…………………………… Address : ………………………………………Phone/Fax……………………… E-mail address : ……………………………………………… Accompagnied by :……………………………………………… I intend to present a paper :………………… I intend to participate to both the field trip and the Symposium………………… or to the Symposium only………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CONTINENTAL EARLY PERMIAN ENVIRONMENTS AUTUN / 2-5 JULY 2007 Chateauneuf Jean-Jacques AGPT Secretary Phone and fax : 33.(0) 8 quai du Chatelet 45000- Orléans (France) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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