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paleonet AAPG 2007 Biostratigraphy Session Call for Abstracts




Dear Colleagues:


As you may be aware, the 2007 AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting, “Understanding Earth Systems: Pursuing the Checkered Flag,” will be held in Long Beach, California, April 1 to 4.  NAMS, the North American Micropaleontology Section of SEPM, has the privilege of organizing technical sessions on topics in micropaleontology for AAPG/SEPM annual meetings. This year, we have been invited by the organizing committee to co-chair a poster session entitled, "Integrated Biostratigraphic Analyses in Deep-water Depositional Settings.”  As co-chairs, we would like to extend an invitation to you to contribute a paper to this session.


As exploration and production activity increase both domestically and internationally, micropaleontology and biostratigraphy are experiencing a bit of a renaissance and are playing an increasing role in technical problem solving in the petroleum industry.  Deep-water provinces are an important element of global oil and gas resources and encompass environments in which microfossils can make an important contribution to geoscience efforts. Because a key role of NAMS is to serve as a focal point for communication across the spectrum of micropaleontologic sciences, we encourage contributions to this session from practitioners in industry, academia and government, and applications utilizing any microfossil group. We hope to have a healthy roster of posters on deep-water-related topics, but also welcome other contributions that highlight topics or concepts in micropaleontology that might be applied in deep-water settings.


We seek original works and discourage the submittal of papers that have previously presented. Also, an invitation to submit does not guarantee acceptance into the program; final decisions for acceptance rest with the organizing technical program committee.


We hope that you are planning to attend this meeting and will give serious consideration to submitting a paper to our NAMS-SEPM session. Please note that the call for abstracts has already been sent out by the AAPG and that the deadline for receipt of the online abstracts is midnight (eastern time), Monday, October 2, 2006.


The website for information on the meeting and electronic submittal of abstracts is http://www.aapg.org/longbeach/. Contributors might want to consider sending us a copy of your submittal, so we can be sure that it went through the electronic submittal system correctly. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.


Our contact information is:


Nancy L. Engelhardt-Moore                                          Peter P. McLaughlin, Jr.

NAMS President                                                           Senior Scientist

Paleontologist, Deepwater Exploration                            Delaware Geological Survey

Devon Energy Corporation                                             University of Delaware

1200 Smith Street                                                          DGS Building Room 228                                   

Houston, Texas 77002                                                   Newark, DE 19716-7501

Phone: 713-286-5843                                                     Phone: 302-831-8263

Email: nancy.engelhardt-moore@dvn.com                       Email: ppmclau@udel.edu



If you know of any others that could provide an interesting presentation to our micropaleontology session, we ask you to please consider forwarding them this note and encourage them to submit an abstract.


Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you in Long Beach next spring!




Your NAMS-SEPM Poster Co-Chairs:


Nancy Engelhardt-Moore and Pete McLaughlin