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paleonet Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research

Carnets are proud to announce the publication of a new memoir: the "Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research" by Lukas HOTTINGER (it is available in an English version only). 

Hottinger L. (2006).- Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research.- Carnets de Géologie - Notebooks on Geology, Brest, Memoir 2006/02 (CG2006_M02), 126 p., 83 fig. Format [HTML] or  PDF Text 739 KB + PDF Figs. 2-27 8,827 KB + PDF Figs. 28-46 7,391 KB + PDF Figs. 47-68 6,805 KB + PDF Figs. 69-83 6,454 KB]  

Summary: An illustrated glossary of terms used in the analysis of the shells of recent and fossil foraminifera supplemented by a rigorous selection of terms that facilitate an understanding of their biology and their use in ecology and biostratigraphy. The glossary includes some 650 entries illustrated by 83 - often composite – figures many of which are stereographs or 3D models. A taxonomic index lists the 140 taxa illustrated. 

We leave it to you to explore and to learn how to handle this dynamic "new product" (there are more than 2,000 hypertext links to browse): to go with one click from a citation in the text to the complete reference and back again where you started by clicking on the year in the reference itself; to go through a (blue text) link to its full entry and back again where you started by clicking on the (red text) entry itself; to bring up a figure from the right-hand column by clicking on a figure number in the text; to call up a new window with an enlargement of any figure by clicking on the icon next to the figure number; to enlarge thumbs (small-sized images) by clicking on them and back again to the thumb by clicking on the enlargement ... We hope you will enjoy it all ... 

Carnets' subscriber list is currently "down"! We are looking for a way to restore this facility. But in spite of this difficulty Carnets / Notebooks are is doing well (thanks to its authors and its numerous readers: + than 1800 subscribers to the list). 
[Apologies for cross-posting and duplicates]