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paleonet PhD positions in Micropalaeontology, Eberhard-KarlsUniversität Tübingen

This just in.


PhD positions in Micropalaeontology

We are looking for up to 3 PhD students to join the micropalaeontology group
in Tübingen this spring. One of the students will investigate biodiversity
and evolution of foraminifera combining molecular genetic and
micropalaeontological methods (DFG project GEDIFORAM), the other 1 or 2 will
develop new techniques to reconstruct the paleoceanography of the Red Sea
during the late Quaternary (DFG project RedSTAR).

Candidates should have previous research experience in an appropriate field,
and an MSc or Diploma qualification. Experience with molecular methods is
desirable for the genetic project.

Starting date for both projects is spring 2006.
Deadline for applications is 5th April 2006.

If you are interested, send your CV and a letter of motivation to Prof
Michal Kucera:


For more information, visit our website:

 Prof Michal Kucera
 Institut für Geowissenschaften
 Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen
 Sigwartstrasse 10, DE-72076 Tübingen

 Tel. +49 7071 29  74 674
 Fax  +49 7071 29 57 27
 e-mail: michal.kucera@uni-tuebingen.de