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paleonet EGU 2006, Geoinformatics and Information Management in Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Paleontology, Call for Abstracts

Dear Colleagues,

Here is a message I tried to post some weeks ago, but I did it with an email
address which has not been recognized and refused by the listserver

But because the deadline has been postponed to friday this week, those
of you who have contributions in the field informatics, databases etc and
paleontology, stratigraphy and sedimentology can make a last minute decision
to contribute an abstract.

Contributions can be sent to me rhuber@wdc-mare.org or

This was the original message:

The deadline for abstract submission to this year's European Geosciences
Union (EGU) General Assembly is approaching fast!

Deadline for receipt of abstracts :  13 January 2006 (next week Friday)

SSP21 "Geoinformatics and Information Management in Stratigraphy,
Sedimentology & Paleontology".

Jens Klump (GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam),
Kerstin Lehnert (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University)
Robert Huber (MARUM, University of Bremen).

This session continues the discussion process initiated at the EGU General
Assembly 2005 and at the AGU Fall Meeting 2005. At both meetings iGeoInfo
(http://www.igeoinfo.org) had organised sessions dedicated to networking
scientists working in informatics and information management in the
geological sciences. Both the oral sessions and the poster sessions were
very well attended.

Data on stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology are heterogeneous and
diverse. In many countries around the globe, an increasing number of
Geoscience projects are developing and maintaining digital data and
information systems together with tools for data analysis and visualization.
Coordination and collaboration among these projects, and their integration
are essential in order to maximize the impact of these globally distributed
Geoinformatics resources.

This session emphasizes the importance of international collaboration in the
development of a Geoscience cyberinfrastructure that will successfully
promote advances in Geoscience research and enable new approaches to
addressing scientific problems that lead to new discoveries and an improved
understanding of the Earth. We have defined two objectives for this session:

(1) to draw attention to and discuss the many political, cultural,
organizational, and technical challenges that need to be addressed and
overcome in order to achieve a truly global cyberinfrastructure for the
(2) to highlight examples of international collaborations that successfully
coordinate and integrate their efforts.

Important Dates: (Abstract Deadline 13 January 2006)

EGU General Assembly
Vienna, Austria, 2-7 April 2006

Deadline for support applications :   9 December 2005 (passed)
Deadline for receipt of abstracts :  13 January 2006
Deadline for pre-registration     :  10 March 2006

Please, forward this message also to your colleagues.

We are looking forward to seeing you at this meeting.


Jens Klump, Kerstin Lehnert and Robert Huber

(This e-mail was posted to more than one list, please excuse any duplicate

Dr. Robert Huber
WDC-MARE / PANGAEA - www.pangaea.de, www.wdc-mare.org