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Re: paleonet Living Pterosaurs soon on display

I think that these people are as ridiculous as the evangelicals that they
are making fun of.  You should watch some of the video archives.  I don't
think that this helps our case at all.  In fact, it definitely hurts our
case.  Also true with the physical attack of the professor in Kansas.  Did
he really need to provoke them so arrogantly?  It's not right what happened
to him but come on.  I do not like the ID/creationist machine in any respect
but I do not support viciously demeaning them or their beliefs and that
should not be what we are about.  We should be encouraging them to honestly
take a look at the facts and help them see that there really is no threat to
their beliefs.  Good public education that is not inflammatory or insulting
will be the answer in the end.  Otherwise we will just further polarize the
debate and then everybody loses.  I'm a little surprised to see that there
are actually people who have so much time on their hands to create such
websites.  There are many other links on there to other people who have
similar time on their hands.  I think that it's ridiculous personally.
These guys need to get out and get a job or at least a decent education.
They were both expelled from Liberty university for conduct unbecoming.
Their website only reflects anger, ignorance, and lack of gainful
employment.  They certainly do not represent our field even for those who
think that it is funny.  Let's not forget that.  Oh and by the way.  I've
noticed that there are several people on here who find it convenient to hold
us all as a captive audience while they sling personal attacks at each
other.  Grow up guys or find somewhere else to go.  All in favor of never
seeing that nonsense on here again can respond "I"

-Michael Kishel

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "P. David Polly" <d.polly@qmul.ac.uk>
To: <paleonet@nhm.ac.uk>
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: paleonet Living Pterosaurs soon on display

> Not to take the ire out of anyone's sails, but www.objectiveministries.org
> and the associated http://www.landoverbaptist.org/ are satires...  Note
> that the author is Dr Richard Paley (remind you of anyone?).  The secular
> consumerism page is very good, too:
> http://objectiveministries.org/mallmission/.
> Best wishes,
> David
> At 12:49 02/12/2005, you wrote:
> >I agree with Ken-where do these people get all the time to pursue this
> >crap-I hope it's not from NSF, NERC or NSERC
> >On Friday, December 2, 2005, at 03:57 AM, Kenneth A. Monsch wrote:
> >
> >>What a load of rubbish, all of it. Even *IF* they find living
> >>what does that prove? Only that the pterosaurs that have *evolved* have
> >>somehow not got extinct all the same. I can't judge from the pages if
it's a
> >>hoax, but if it isn't, I wonder what the heck these people are doing and
> >>they're thinking. The authors clearly approach uninformed naive YEC's
> >>swallow everything that "Christian authorities" say (ever wonder why
> >>Christian palaeontologists would feel out of place in church?). Old
> >>such as the basking shark carcass that is reportedly a plesiosaur, or a
> >>"dinosaur footprint" with a sandal print inside it are coming up again,
> >>if nobody knew what's the truth and what isn't. YEC people, please, for
> >>God's sake (I mean it), get real.
> >>
> >>Ken
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>>On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Frank Holterhoff wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Have you folks seen this one yet?
> >>>>
> >>>>http://objectiveministries.org/creation/projectpterosaur.html
> >>>>
> >>>>I wish I had the time on my hands that some people seem to.
> >>>>
> >>>>F
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>--
> >>>"You are in error.  No one is screaming.  Thank you for your
> >>>-Paranoia
> >>
> >>
> >--
> >David B. Scott, director and Killam Professor
> >Centre for Environmental and Marine Geology
> >Dalhousie University
> >Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5 CANADA
> >PH: 902-494-3604; FAX: 902-494-3877/6889
> >email: dbscott@dal.ca
> >http://earthsciences.dal.ca/people/dbscott/scott_db.html
> >NAPC2005:http://meguma.earthsciences.dal.ca/napc/napc2005-s.htm
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. P. David
> Polly                                                 d.polly@qmul.ac.uk
> School of Biological and Chemical Sciences          +44 (0)20 7882-6314
> Queen Mary, University of
> London                          www.qmul.ac.uk/~ugha096/