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Re: paleonet ID and function discussion

30 Aug 05 Hi Lisa and all, yes, there was a paper published in the 
Journal of Molecular Biology which was reported in the series on 
evolution and ID in the New York Times recently:  A Dr. Axe from a 
"Biological Institute" wrote about Penicillinase, and that the 
probability was "essentially zero" that that protein could have formed 
via evolution--and it was published in the peer-reviewed journal 
according to the NYXs.   I haven't checked the original article, but see 
the New York Times, Aug. 22, 2005, front page: In Explaining Life's 
Complexity, Darwinists and Doubters Clash, by Kenneth Chang.    --Sally 
E. Walker

Dr. Lisa E. Park wrote:
> You might also want to check out Ken Miller's refutation of the irreducible
> complexity.  He has eloquently picked apart the eye and mousetrap arguments
> of Behe and others.  I think that the ID people just keep coming up with
> different 'arguments' as theirs keep getting refuted.  They are now big on
> the complexities of the cell.  I think that the obvious response to most of
> their complexity arguments is that just because we do not understand
> something is not proof that it was divinely created.  There are a lot of
> areas in science that we do not completely understand.  However, once you
> begin using the "God of the Gaps" argument, you are really going down a
> rocky road, theologically speaking.
> By the way, I did a quick, back of the envelope, calculation and estimated
> that there are probably over 4 million peer-reviewed scientific papers that
> have been published in biology and paleontology that support evolution.  I
> am not sure, but I don't think there has been any supporting ID, although
> someone told me the other day that one got published in a molecular journal
> recently.  Does anyone know of that paper?
> Cheers,
> Lisa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk [mailto:paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk]On
> Behalf Of Roy Plotnick
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:59 AM
> To: paleonet
> Subject: paleonet ID and function discussion
> First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my
> query.  I have learned a great deal from this active discussion.   We
> need to continue to emphasize, in every forum we have available, that ID
> is not science and is poor philosophy.
> Glenn Branch sent an interesting and apropos online article by Shanks
> and Joplin , http://www.etsu.edu/philos/faculty/niall/complexi.htm that
> is well worth looking at.
> - Roy
> --
> Roy E. Plotnick
> Professor
> Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
> University of Illinois at Chicago
> 845 W. Taylor St.
> Chicago, IL 60607
> plotnick@uic.edu
> office phone: 312-996-2111     fax: 312-413-2279
> lab phone: 312-355-1342
> web page: http://www.uic.edu/~plotnick/plotnick.htm
> "The scientific celebrities, forgetting their molluscs and glacial  periods,
> gossiped about art, while devoting themselves to oysters  and ices with
> characteristic energy.." -Little Women, Louisa  May Alcott