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Re: paleonet Czerkas and Norell in Discover

Theropods also have furculae, so this does not advance your argument one iota.  All this demonstrates is that furculae are primitive for the Saurischia.  The evidence putting segnosaurs in the Theropoda is overwhelming.
Cheers, Tim

Dinogeorge@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 7/26/2005 10:50:29 AM Pacific Standard Time, tijawi@yahoo.com writes:
Remember when the notion that segnosaurs (therizinosauroids) were theropods was decried as cladist-generated rubbish?  Now we have basal segnosaurs like _Falcarius_ that cement the relationship of segnosaurs within the Theropods.  There are other examples, too numerous to mention.
But now that we have evidence of furculae in prosauropods, one of the key pillars of segnosaurs as theropods is crumbling. Stay tuned, the show is not over yet.

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