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Amen to that Tim On Thursday, March 24, 2005, at 04:59 PM, RT Patterson wrote: > The following secondary headline made it to the front page of the > Ottawa > Citizen here in Ottawa today: > > "Bible Belt creationists threaten IMAX film industry with extinction" > > followed by a pretty long article where Canadian producers of science > films, > like the Montreal produced volcano film, predicted that they could be > put of > out business if they happen to mention the e-word in future films. > According to the article there are only 250 Imax theaters in the world > with > about 50% in the US -- and about a dozen of them in the US south have > refused to air this film -- many of them at alleged science museums > (e.g. > Fort Worth Museum of Science and History and the Charlsetson IMAX > Theater). > Since each film costs $6-10 million dollars to produce they have to > make the > rounds of almost all IMAX theaters to be profitable. No complaints > have > been received from Canadian IMAX theaters because Canadian > evangelicals are > not powerful a consumer group as their US counterparts. I suggest > that the > only solution is that those of you in the south counter by letting your > local IMAX theaters know that if they engage in this sort of silly > "pre-censorship" that you will arrange a similar boycott by 'sensible' > people. Although the snow and cold of January are a bit annoying > sometimes > it is times like this that it feels much more comfortable in the > north:-) > > Tim Patterson > > > -- > Dr. R. Tim Patterson > Professor of Geology > Dept. of Earth Sciences > Carleton University > 1125 Colonel By Drive > Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6 > CANADA > > PH: 613-520-2600 ex 4425 > FAX: 613-520-2569 > www.carleton.ca/~tpatters > > > > > > > > -- David B. Scott, director Centre for Environmental and Marine Geology Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5 CANADA PH: 902-494-3604; FAX: 902-494-3877/6889 email: dbscott@dal.ca http://meguma.earthsciences.dal.ca/staff/dbscott/scott.htm NAPC2005:http://meguma.earthsciences.dal.ca/napc/napc2005-s.htm
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