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RE: paleonet It just keeps coming, in the US, Brazil, UK, Turkey, etc.

Title: RE: paleonet It just keeps coming, in the US, Brazil, UK,
I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I was mixing the two terms.  I realize that some evangelicals do not hold a fundamentalist view of religious doctrine.  And I do not think that evangelical Christians who support the teaching of Evolution and the Big Bang pose a problem to science education in the US.  However, I would have to say that many, in fact, statistically most, of the evangelicals today also have a fundamentalist view of religion, hence the, albeit sloppy, interchangability of terms.  For many political scientists, the two are almost statistically indistinguishable in terms of their attitudes about cultural questions (i.e abortion, prayer in school, gay marriage, evolution/ID, flag-burning, etc.).  Granted, many evangelicals do not like getting lumped together with the fundamentalists, but they are all part of this, our fourth, major religious revival in the US.  The trend in most political science literature is to look at the greater evangelical movement and then to split the fundamentalists apart from that.
As for the space race, I should probably clarify. I was referring to the push for science education that resulted from President Kennedy's 'race to the moon.'  That 'race,' while steeped in Cold War symbolism, had a profoundly positive effect on scientific education in this country.  I was merely drawing the comparison of that postivie effect with the possibility of a negative one of equal measure if ID gets equal time in some states, Big Bang is not taught, and NSF continuously gets cut.  For whatever the cause of either of these actions in our K-12 educational system, the results will be felt further in time than the present political cycle.  I was just wondering if and how that might affect the US stature in the world of scientific research?  Will there be a "brain drain" from Red States to Blue States?  or from the US to other countries?  Already, we are seeing an exodus of stem cell researchers out of the US to other countries who allow better access to all stem cell lines currently available.  If biotech is supposed to be one of the future great technologies, what impact will this have?  I was just trying to understand the global and long term ramifications of this.
 -----Original Message-----
From: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk [mailto:paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk]On Behalf Of Bill Chaisson/Deirdre Cunningham
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 10:31 AM
To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
Subject: RE: paleonet It just keeps coming, in the US, Brazil, UK, Turkey, etc.

The cover story of this week's Time Magazine profiles the major leaders in the Evangelical movement (mostly in the US).  It is a very interesting read.
My question is this: how much damage does the impact of religious fundamentalism (i.e. not teaching Evolution or the Big Bang) do to science (and K-12 education) in the United States? 

One of the scientists quoted in the New York Times article is an evolution supporter and an evangelical Christian.  Fundamentalists are a subset of evangelicals and not synonymous with them.  Evangelicals central tenet is that they should actively spread the word of Jesus to pretty much all people that they encounter.  Fundamentalists are the ones who absolutely refuse to interpret the Bible any other way but literally.  Well, 'literally' in their own terms and with their own Bible.
Will it have a negative impact equal to how the space race of the 60's had a positive one?

The space race was a continuation of the imperialist impulse that began to mobilize Western governments/economies in the 14th century with the race to 'the Indies'.  As such the Church (only one then!) was 100% behind it.

In the above sense the space race did not challenge our species idea of who or what we were, why we were here on this planet or how we got to where we are.  Evolution does all of that.  Hence the objections from some of the religious.

 Does this impact anyone else other than the US?  I guess it is the larger picture which interests me most.

It will have an impact where ever religious fundamentalists (of any stripe) have the ear of central governments and populate the board rooms of powerful corporations.


William P. Chaisson
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY  14627