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This just in.



Beginning with Volume 51, 2005, the journal "Micropaleontology" will be
making important changes to better serve the profession.

NEW EDITOR:  Robert Fleisher (PhD University of Southern California, 1975)
becomes Editor as of January 2005.  Dr Fleisher brings his distinguished
career in foraminiferal biostratigraphy and taxonomic analysis to the
mission of reinventing the journal as a publisher of the best and most
imortant papers across the field.  Dr Fleisher will be working closely with
a newly reconstituted editorial board that will represent the full
diversity of international micropaleontological research.

NEW SCOPE: "Micropaleontology" will now publish frontline research across
the entire field of micropaleontology, including purely biological studies
of importance to the field. This will include studies in paleoceanography;
paleoenvironments; ecology and paleoecology; biology and paleobiology; and
evolution (both morphologic and molecular) -- as well as in our traditional
areas of systematics and biostratigraphy.  Short notes on preparation
methods and taxonomy will be expanded to cover localities, collections,
software, instrumentation, and data handling and storage.

NEW FORMAT: "Micropaleontology" will no longer be restricted to a fixed
number of pages per issue, but will seek to publish all papers within 90
days of acceptance and usually in the next issue.  There will be no fixed
limit on length or illustrations.

NEW STANDARDS: With more subjects to cover, it will be necessary for
"Micropaleontology" to be more selective.  At the same time, we will remove
the requirement that manuscripts must be submitted in completely correct
English to be considered.  No good paper will be rejected for this reason,
and where necessary we will provide the corrections without cost.

NEW PROCEDURE: All manuscript will be processed online.  Papers and
illustrations will be submitted, reviewed, and corrected via the internet,
in our specifically designed  "Micro Man" system.  This procedure will
greatly enhance submittal, review, and revision, with better communication
and greater security as side benefits.

NEW INTERNET ACCESS:  All 50 years of "Micropaleontology" will be available
online through membership in BioOne and GeoScience World. Items of general
interest, such as meeting announcements, society advertisements and
postings of national and international resolutions, will be published in
open access.

NEW FLEXIBILITY: The online edition of "Micropaleontology" will accept
color, animation, and 3D treatments at no cost, subject only to the proviso
that the same information can be adequately (if not completely) presented
in the print edition.  Links to associated data repositories will be active
in the online edition..

NEW CONDITIONS: Plate charges will no longer be required. As before, there
are no page charges, and authors receive 10 free offprints.  Text documents
must not include hidden formatting from "End Notes" or other aids, and
illustrations must be digitized as  JPG or TIFF files, full size, high
resolution (360 dpi grayscale for photo, 1200 dpi for maps, diagrams and

NEW VIEW OF MICROPALEONTOLOGY:  As a newly-founded nonprofit program with
the sole mission of promoting the stratigraphic sciences, we seek to
publish papers that will bring micropaleontology back to the cutting edge
of paleontology, stratigraphic geology,  paleoenvironmental analyses, and
chronostratigraphy, while also engaging colleagues in environmental,
conservation and evolutionary biology.  We invite authors from any field
that deals with microfossils or their living representatives to consider
the new "Micropaleontology" as a respected and technologically
sophisticated vehicle for major advances in their research.

John A. Van Couvering, Editor in Chief
The Micropaleontology Project, Inc.
New York, January 2005