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Ouch! Now I can see a little better why y'all are so upset. Where did these people go to school? I am, among other things, a former high school phys/chem teacher AND church "youth" leader (actually primary school aged children). They sure did not go through one of my classes. I openly tread on thin ice. I always stated openly that anyone that had conflicts would be more than welcome to discuss it after school or RA mtg; which was and still remains counter to official school district policy. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexander Glass" <aglass@uiuc.edu> To: <paleonet@nhm.ac.uk> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 5:13 PM Subject: paleonet How about some numbers? Seeking to lower the "heat index" of the current science-religion discussion with information.... For those of you who love numbers and statistics (and I know you do...) here are some more to stimulate your brains with. Gallup just released a new poll on America's view on creationism, evolution, biblical "literalism" etc. See if you were a regular visitor to the NCSE website (www.ncseweb.org) you would already have known about this poll...:) You can read a short article on the results here: http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/?ci=14107 It is a sobering message - believe me. People have been throwing a lot of labels around during this discussion such as "fundamentalist", "evangelical" and "biblical literalist". It has been said that "Nothing about religion is simple" (that's a plug for all you Dune fans...) and different people appear to "hear" different things when confronted by these terms. Just for consistency...this website gives a nice little introduction to these terms, their definitions, and their socio-political-religious history. I can't vouch for accuracy but I found the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals at Wheaton College an enlightening resource (yes that is THE Wheaton College of the PBS/WGBH Evolution series fame). So directly from the horse's mouth (so to speak): http://www.wheaton.edu/isae/defining_evangelicalism.html#Defining DISCLAIMER: I apologize if all of this is old news to you. I fear that some of the most recent paleonet postings may have involuntarily been filtered down my spam/virus drain rather than land in my inbox. Our server is currently being bombarded by an unprecedented amount of spam mail. ---------------------- Alexander Glass Paleobiology of ophiuroids, asteroids, and crinoids Ph. D. Candidate Department of Geology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1301 West Green Street, NHB 245 Urbana, IL 61801 United States ---------------- Tel:217-333-4963 Fax: 217-244-4996 ---------------- "The willow submits to the wind and prospers until one day it is many willows - a wall against the wind." Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohaim (Frank Herbert, Dune)
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