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paleonet How about some numbers?

Seeking to lower the "heat index" of the current science-religion 
discussion with information....

For those of you who love numbers and statistics (and I know you do...) 
here are some more to stimulate your brains with.  Gallup just released a 
new poll on America's view on creationism, evolution, biblical "literalism" 

See if you were a regular visitor to the NCSE website (www.ncseweb.org) you 
would already have known about this poll...:)

You can read a short article on the results here:

It is a sobering message - believe me.

People have been throwing a lot of labels around during this discussion 
such as "fundamentalist", "evangelical" and "biblical literalist".  It has 
been said that "Nothing about religion is simple" (that's a plug for all 
you Dune fans...) and different people appear to "hear" different things 
when confronted by these terms.  Just for consistency...this website gives 
a nice little introduction to these terms, their definitions, and their 
socio-political-religious history.  I can't vouch for accuracy but I found 
the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals at Wheaton College an 
enlightening resource (yes that is THE Wheaton College of the PBS/WGBH 
Evolution series fame).  So directly from the horse's mouth (so to speak):


DISCLAIMER: I apologize if all of this is old news to you.  I fear that 
some of the most recent paleonet postings may have involuntarily been 
filtered down my spam/virus drain rather than land in my inbox.  Our server 
is currently being bombarded by an unprecedented amount of spam mail.

Alexander Glass
Paleobiology of ophiuroids, asteroids, and crinoids

Ph. D. Candidate
Department of Geology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1301 West Green Street, NHB 245
Urbana, IL 61801
United States
Fax: 217-244-4996

“The willow submits to the wind and prospers until one day it is many 
willows – a wall against the wind.”  Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohaim 
(Frank Herbert, Dune)