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paleonet Fossil id help requested Update

 First, I'd like to thank everyone who responded, I really appreciate it.  The suggestions I have received are machaeridian (my first guess), conularid, in particular an external mold (my second guess and the majority opinion), and a rostroconch (my third guess).  I think I can go with the conularid external mold.  This would make it the only conularid we have found at this locality, to go with a single fragmentary cephalopod and one semi-complete trilobite.   Anyone know of other Late Pennsylvanian/Carboniferous conularid occurrences? 
Sedond, several folks asked for a scale;  a photo with a 1 cm sclae is at:   http://tigger.uic.edu/~plotnick/LoneStarQuarryFossil2.jpg.

Again, my thanks - Roy

Roy E. Plotnick
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
845 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60607
office phone: 312-996-2111     fax: 312-413-2279
lab phone: 312-355-1342
web page: http://www.uic.edu/~plotnick/plotnick.htm
"The scientific celebrities, forgetting their molluscs and glacial  periods, gossiped about art, while devoting themselves to oysters  and ices with characteristic energy.." -Little Women, Louisa  May Alcott