Why were you a smart ass in this
A little bit of etiquette would could go a long
way, why put somebody down needlessly.
Ernest Olsen
A student of geology
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:01
Subject: Re: paleonet Fossil id help
I can use help on the identification
of a fossil collected on a class field trip this past weekend. The
photo is at: http://tigger.uic.edu/~plotnick/LoneStarQuarryFossil.jpg.
The scale, top to bottom of the image, is about 2 cm. Locality
is in Northern Illinois, from the LaSalle Cyclothem, upper
Modesto Fm. - lower Bond Formation; Age: Upper Pennsylvanian, Missourian
(Stephanian). Typical Pennsylvanian mid-continent fauna, lots of
It's probably in the category of "oh yeah, I
should have known that," but I don't embarrass easily. -
Some kind of conulariid. --
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ William P. Chaisson Adjunct
Assistant Professor Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences University of Rochester Rochester, NY