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paleonet 5th Reg. Symp. of IFAA

International Fossil Algae Association


Ferrara, Italy: August 30th to September 3rd, 2005


The next Regional Symposium of the International Fossil Algae Association
will be held in Ferrara located in north-eastern Italy. This meeting follows
the tradition of successful regional meetings previously held in Granada
(1989), Munich-Vienna (1993), Cracow (1997), and Cluj-Napoca in 2001 (see
http://www.ku.edu/~ifaa/home.html for details).

Presentations on any aspect of calcareous algae and bacteria are welcome
1) Biomineralization and Skeletalisation
2) Taxonomy and Systematics
3) Evolutionary History
4) Biogeography and Palaeoclimatology
5) Ecology and Palaeoecology
6) Oceanography and Palaeoceanography
7) Applications to Stratigraphy
8) Diagenesis and Fossilisation

Scientific sessions will be held in the University of Ferrara. Ferrara is
located in the eastern Po Plain in north-eastern Italy between Bologna and
Venice. This city is famous for its Renaissance culture and architecture.
Traces of the Este family can be found everywhere in Ferrara including the
massive castle, complete city walls, the famous Palazzo dei Diamanti and
many more.

Ferrara is easily reached by motorway and train services. The nearest
airports are in Bologna and Venice which are within an hour resp. one and a
half hours from Ferrara by public transport. Train services to the rest of
Italy (e.g. Venice, Milan, Florence, Rome) are excellent. There are numerous
hotels of different standard in Ferrara.

August 30th to August 31st: Scientific Sessions at the University of
September 1st to 3rd: Post-Symposium Field Excursion. This field excursion
will focus on shallow water carbonates including Middle-Upper Eocene
calcareous algae and larger foraminifera (Colli Berici, Monti Lessini) on
the 1st day, Lower Jurassic microbial structures, dasycladaleans, larger
foraminifera, and dinosaurs trackways (Rovereto) on the 2nd day, and
dasycladaleans at the K/T boundary (Friuli area) on the 3rd day.

Important dates to Remember:
Symposium and Excursion registration:     May 31st, 2005
Submission of abstracts:             May 31st, 2005
Final payment of all fees:            July 15th, 2005

Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested in this
symposium. The 2nd circular will be sent in the middle of December, 2005 and
a web site will be available soon.

We look forward to seeing you here in Ferrara in 2005.

Contacts: Davide Bassi and James H. Nebelsick

----------------------------------------------------------- ;-))
Dott. Davide BASSI, Ph.D.

Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali
Lab. di Paleobiologia e Paleoecologia
Università di Ferrara
Corso Ercole I d'Este 32
I - 44100 Ferrara

Tel. ++39-0532-293726
Fax ++39-0532-206468
E-mail: bsd@unife.it
Home-page: http://utenti.unife.it/davide.bassi