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paleonet Reorganization of Earth Sciences Division of US-NSF

National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

Directorate for Geosciences
Division of Earth Sciences

16 July, 2004

RE:  A New Structure for the Organization of the Division of Earth Sciences

Dear Colleague;  

The purpose of this letter is to announce a new organizational structure for
the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR).  For the past 15 years, EAR has been
organized in two Sections: 1) the Research Grants Section, providing support
for most of the core research programs, and 2) the Special Projects Section,
which includes crosscutting programs and a core research program.  This
two-Section structure is a mixture of core research and Division-wide
infrastructure programs.  The designations, Research Grants Section and
Special Projects Section, no longer reflect the structure and needs of the
Earth Sciences community, nor the actual activities within the Sections.

The Division of Earth Sciences will be realigned in two Sections:

		Surface Earth Processes Section (SEP): will consist of the
programs: Hydrologic Sciences (HS), Education and Human Resources (EHR),
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology (SGP), Geobiology and Environmental
Geochemistry (GEG), and Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (GLD).  The
current budget for the SEP section totals approximately $50M per year.  The
new SEP Section will support research on processes occurring at or near the
Earth's surface, studies of the stratigraphic record and paleobiology, and
crosscutting studies on education and human interactions with the geosphere.

		Deep Earth Processes Section (DEP): will consist of the
programs: Geophysics (PH), Tectonics (TE), Petrology and Geochemistry (CH),
Continental Dynamics (CD), Instrumentation and Facilities (IF), and
EarthScope (ES).  The current budget for the DEP section totals
approximately $90M per year.  The DEP Section will support research on the
Earth's crust, mantle, and core, crosscutting programs for the support of
Earth Science instrumentation and facilities, and the EarthScope facility
and associated science and education activities.  

The new structure redistributes workload among the Sections and Programs to
provide for more efficient and balanced operation within the EAR Division
and better reflects the natural organization of the Earth Sciences.  It
combines the programs into logical groups by research interests and
function, and brings together programs with similar research objectives.
The new organization will provide an impetus for more cross-program
integration and sponsorship of interdisciplinary research projects; closely
aligned programs within sections will foster interaction and allow more
flexibility of resource management at the section level.

This organization will provide a rational Section-level base for the
development of our large, visible and complex programs, such as EarthScope,
GeoInformatics, and the EAR facilities and will continue to provide a firm
base to efficiently serve the individual investigator.  

In addition to the realignment at the Section level, we have also
reorganized the Geology and Paleontology (GE) Program into a more efficient
3-program structure.  It has long been recognized that the GE Program covers
an extremely wide range of subdisciplines and no longer reflects the
evolving science structure of the Earth Sciences community.  Therefore, the
GE Program has been reorganized into three disciplinary Programs: 

	Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology (SGP) will support studies of:
(1) life and ecology in past geologic time based on fossil plants, animals,
and microbes; (2) stratified rocks and interpretation of the historical
information they contain; (3) the science of dating and measuring the time
sequence of events of the Earth's past; and (4) the production, transport
and deposition of physical and chemical sediments.  SGP especially
encourages integrative studies at the national and international levels that
seek to link traditional subdisciplines, such as paleoclimatology,
paleobiogeography, and paleoenvironmental and paleoecologic reconstructions.

	Geobiology and Environmental Geochemistry (GEG) will support studies
focused on: (1) interactions between biological and geological processes;
(2) furthering understanding of the geologic processes that shape the
biosphere; (3) the role of biological agents in geophysical and geochemical
processes; (4) processes, rates, and mechanisms of inorganic and organic
geochemical phenomena, at, or in proximity to, the Earth's surface,
including the soil sciences; (5) development of tools, methods, and models
for geobiological research, and (6) understanding geochemical phenomena at
the broad spectrum of environmental interfaces ranging from planetary and
regional to mineral-surface and supramolecular scales.  GEG facilitates
cross-disciplinary efforts to harness new bioanalytical tools--such as those
emerging from molecular biology--in the study of the terrestrial

	Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (GLD) will support studies of:
(1) the dynamic processes that produce landforms and the relationship to
atmospheric and hydrologic agents and their underlying structures; (2) the
history of geologic changes recorded in surface features; (3) airborne and
space borne imaging of the landscape; (4) the study of sustainable
landscapes and anthropogenically or naturally modified landscapes, and (5)
changes in land uses and land covers that are critical to ecosystem
functioning, services, and human welfare. GLD includes computer analysis of
remote sensing (airborne, satellite) data using pattern recognition tools.
This is a fast-growing area of research because of its applications to
ecological, hydrological and social systems (including national security

New avenues of research are fast emerging in the Earth Sciences and EAR must
be prepared to cope with increasing demand of many exciting activities.  The
Division has expanded its research efforts in natural hazards,
sustainability science, environmental research, and cyberinfrastructure has
become central for forefront research throughout the Earth Sciences.  The
deployment of the EarthScope facility, the rapid evolution of the water
science community, increased management oversight needs for our facilities
and centers, and the increased emphasis on geobiologic activities and human
dynamics in the Earth sciences have all introduced special challenges for
Division management.  We are confident that this new alignment of the
Division of Earth Sciences will provide a firm base for more effective
management of research and education within the Earth Sciences community.  

A revised Program Announcement will soon be published to reflect EAR's new
organization.  We anticipate that the effective date for the new EAR
organizational structure will be August 1, 2004.  


Herman B. Zimmerman
Director, Division of Earth Sciences

H. Richard Lane
H. Richard (Rich) Lane
Program Director, 
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program
Earth Science Division
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 785,
Arlington, Virginia 22203 USA
Ph: 703-292-4730; Fax: 703-292-9025
hlane@nsf.gov <mailto:hlane@nsf.gov> 

NOTE: Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program deadline is January 16
and July 16 of each year. 
 Submitting a proposal? 

 See the new NSF Publication:  A Guide for Proposal Writing [nsf04016] URL :


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