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Re: paleonet paleo. articles available - part 1

Dear Dr. St. John,

I'd love to have any or all of the Cambrian paleo/biostrat, Ordovician paleo/biostrat, graptolite, and trilobite literature that's still not spoken for. As a matter of fact, I'm going to be spending tomorrow working at OSU with Stig Bergstrom, and I'm driving, so anything that you'd give me would not even have to be wrapped for shipping.

I'm planning to leave here (Reston, VA) within the hour, so it would be better if you responded directly to Dr. Bergstrom, and he can pass the message to me tomorrow morning.

John Repetski

JAMES STJOHN <stjohn.2@osu.edu>
Sent by: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk

01/28/04 12:54 PM
Please respond to paleonet

        To:        paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
        Subject:        paleonet paleo. articles available - part 1

To all Paleonetters,

I have several duplicate paleo. & geology articles (a mix of reprints & photocopies) that I'm willing to mail out to good homes.  Below is a listing of what I've got.  I've only got one of each item (with a couple exceptions indicated below), so it's first-asked, first-received.

Please contact me off-list at   stjohn.2@osu.edu

Please be as specific as possible regarding which item or items you'd like, and include a complete mailing address.


James St. John


James St. John
Founders Hall 156A
1179 University Drive
Ohio State University at Newark
Newark, Ohio 43055  USA

Suspect Terranes
Stevens (ed.) (1983) - Pre-Jurassic Rocks in Western North American Suspect Terranes.  Los Angeles.  Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.  141 pp. [photocopy]

Geology of Mississippi
Morse & Brown (1936) - Tishomingo State Park, geologic history, botany.  Mississippi State Geological Survey Bulletin 32.  77 pp.  1 map.
Morse (1936) - The geologic history of Tombigbee State Park.  Mississippi State Geological Survey Bulletin 33.  22 pp.  1 map.
Morse (1937) - Geologic history of Legion State Park.  Mississippi State Geological Survey Bulletin 35.  17 pp.

Conference Abstracts Volumes
(2001) - NAPC 2001, program & abstracts, North American Paleontological Convention 2001, Paleontology in the New Millennium, June 26-July 1, 2001.  PaleoBios 21(2)Supplement.  144 pp. [photocopy]

Cambrian Paleontology & Stratigraphy
Hessland (1954) - Boring through the Cambrian and Ordovician strata at Boda Hamn, Oland II, 3. Studies in the lithogenesis of the Cambrian and basal Ordovician of the Boda Hamn sequence of strata.  Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala 35: 35-109, 7 pls. [photocopy]
Banks (1956) - The Middle and Upper Cambrian Series (Dundas Group and its correlates) in Tasmania.  pp. 165-212 in  El Sistema Cambrico, su Paleogeografia y el Problema de su Base, Tomo II, Parte II: Australia, America.  Mexico City.  20th International Geological Congress. [photocopy]
Henningsmoen (1956) - The Cambrian of Norway.  pp. 45-57 in  El Sistema Cambrico, su Paleogeografia y el Problema de su Base, Tomo I - Parte I: Europa, Africa, Asia.  Mexico City.  20th International Geological Congress. [photocopy]
Shabanov & Savitskiy & Chernysheva (1967) - Biostratigraphy of the Mayan Stage in the Igarsk region.  in  Materialy po stratigrafii i paleontologii Sibiri.  Trudy Sibirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta Geologii, Geofiziki i Mineralognogo Syrya (SNIGGIMS), Seriya Stratigraphiya i Paleontologiya 55: 59-65. [in Russian] [photocopy]
Janssens (1973) - Stratigraphy of the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician rocks in Ohio.  Ohio Geological Survey Bulletin 64.  197 pp.  9 pls. (= 9 maps) [photocopy] [partial copy - well cuttings descriptions not copied]
Rees (1986) - A fault-controlled trough through a carbonate platform: the Middle Cambrian House Range Embayment.  Geological Society of America Bulletin 97: 1054-1069. [photocopy]
Landing & Narbonne & Myrow (eds.) (1988) - Trace fossils, small shelly fossils and the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, proceedings, August 8-18, 1987, Memorial University.  New York State Museum Bulletin 463.  81 pp. [photocopy]
Ahlberg (ed.) (1998) - IV Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy, Sweden, 24-31 August 1998, guide to excursions in Scanian and Vastergotland, southern Sweden.  Lund Publications in Geology 141.  47 pp. [photocopy]
Jensen & Grant (1998) - Trace fossils from the Dividalen Group, northern Sweden: implications for Early Cambrian biostratigraphy of Baltica.  Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift78: 305-317. [photocopy]
Peng & Babcock & Lin & Chen & Zhu (2001) - Potential global stratotype section and point for the base of an Upper Cambrian series defined by the first appearance of the trilobite Glyptagnostus reticulatus, Hunan Province, China.  Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 40(Supplement): 157-172. [photocopy]
Peng & Babcock & Lin & Chen & Zhu (2001) - Route 3: Paibi, Hunan Province (3a); Huanglian, Guizhou Province (3b), Cambrian stratigraphy at Paibi, Hunan Province, China: candidate section for a global unnamed series and reference section for the Waergangian Stage.  in  Cambrian System of South China.  Palaeworld 13: 162-171. [photocopy]

Ordovician Paleontology & Stratigraphy
Weller (1907) - Descriptions of new species of Ordovician fossils from China.  Proceedings of the United States National Museum 32: 557-563.
Hessland (1949) - Investigations of the Lower Ordovician of the Siljan District, Sweden IV, lithogenesis and changes of level in the Siljan District during a period of the Lower Ordovician.  Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala 33: 437-510, 14 pls.

Devonian Paleontology & Stratigraphy
Clarke (1889) - A list of the species constituting the known fauna and flora of the Marcellus Epoch in the State of New York.  Forty-Second Annual Report of the New York State Museum: 3-4.
Hansen (1994) - Ohio Shale concretions.  Ohio Geological Survey GeoFacts 4.  2 pp.

Devonian-Mississippian Stratigraphy & Paleontology
Coogan (ed.) (1986) - Late Devonian and Early Mississippian strata at Stebbins Gulch, Geauga County, and Quarry Rock, Cuyahoga County, Ohio.  Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting, Kent, Ohio, 1986 Field Trip Guidebook, Field Trip Number One.  16 pp.

Mississippian Paleontology
Greene (1911) - The Huron Group in western Monroe and eastern Greene Counties, Indiana.  Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 1910: 269-288.

Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy & Paleontology
Greene (1911) - Fauna of the Brazil Limestone.  Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 1910: 169-171.
Schultze (1995) - Terrestrial biota in coastal marine deposits: fossil-Lagerstatten in the Pennsylvanian of Kansas, USA.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 119: 255-273. [photocopy]

Permian Paleontology & Stratigraphy
Beede (1910) - The correlation of the Guadalupian and the Kansas sections.  American Journal of Science 30: 131-140.

Jurassic Paleontology & Stratigraphy
Hardy (1952) - Stratigraphy and structure of the Arapien Shale and the Twist Gulch Formation in Sevier Valley, Utah.  Ohio State University Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations 62: 91-97.
Palmer & Fursich (1974) - The ecology of a Middle Jurassic hardground and crevice fauna.  Palaeontology 17(3): 507-524. [photocopy]

Zang (1992) - Sinian and Early Cambrian floras and biostratigraphy on the South China Platform.  Palaeontographica, Abteilung B, Palaophytologie 224: 75-119, 8 pls. [includes Chengjiang Lagerstatte fossils] [photocopy]

Harland (1992) - Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the last 2.3 Ma from the Rockall Plateau, northeast Atlantic Ocean.  Journal of the Geologcial Society 149: 7-12.

Baker (1983) - Evolution and hybridization in the radiolarian genera Theocorythium and Lamprocyclas.  Paleobiology 9(4): 341-354.
Casey & Wigley & Perez-Guzman (1983) - Biogeographic and ecologic perspecitve on polycystine radiolarian evolution.  Paleobiology 9(4): 363-376.
Kellogg (1983) - Phenology of morphologic change in radiolarian lineages from deep-sea cores: implications for macroevolution.  Paleobiology 9(4): 355-362.
Lazarus (1983) - Speciation in pelagic Protista and its study in the planktonic microfossil record: a review.  Paleobiology 9(4): 327-340.
Holdsworth & Nell (1992) - Mesozoic radiolarian faunas from the Antarctic Peninsula: age, tectonic and palaeoceanographic significance.  Journal of the Geological Society 149: 1003-1020.
Won & Iams (2002) - Late Cambrian radiolarian faunas and biostratigraphy of the Cow Head Group, western Newfoundland.  Journal of Paleontology 76(1): 1-33. [pdf printout]

McCartney & Loper (1989) - Optimized skeletal morphologies of silicoflagellate genera Dictyocha and Distephanus.  Paleobiology 15(3): 283-298.

Malmgren & Berggren & Lohmann (1983) - Evidence for punctuated gradualism in the Late Neogene Globorotalia tumida lineage of planktonic foraminifera.  Paleobiology 9(4): 377-389.
De Renzi (1988) - Shell coiling in some larger foraminifera: general comments and problems.  Paleobiology 14(4): 387-400. [2 copies]
Wei & Kennett (1988) - Phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium in the late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal clade Globoconella.  Paleobiology 14(4): 345-363. [2 copies]