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Re: paleonet paleo. articles available - part 1

DEar James,
Could I claim Palmer & Fursich (1974) - The ecology of a Middle Jurassic
hardground and crevice
fauna.  Palaeontology 17(3): 507-524. [photocopy]

pretty please,
Glenn Jaecks

> To all Paleonetters,
> I have several duplicate paleo. & geology articles (a mix of reprints &
> photocopies) that I'm willing to mail out to good homes.  Below is a
> listing of what I've got.  I've only got one of each item (with a couple
> exceptions indicated below), so it's first-asked, first-received.
> Please contact me off-list at   stjohn.2@osu.edu
> Please be as specific as possible regarding which item or items you'd
> like, and include a complete mailing address.
> Best,
> James St. John
> stjohn.2@osu.edu
> _______________________________________________
> James St. John
> Founders Hall 156A
> 1179 University Drive
> Ohio State University at Newark
> Newark, Ohio 43055  USA
> _______________________________________________________
> Suspect Terranes
> Stevens (ed.) (1983) - Pre-Jurassic Rocks in Western North American
> Suspect Terranes.  Los Angeles.  Pacific Section, Society of Economic
> Paleontologists and Mineralogists.  141 pp. [photocopy]
> __________________________________
> Geology of Mississippi
> Morse & Brown (1936) - Tishomingo State Park, geologic history, botany.
> Mississippi State Geological Survey Bulletin 32.  77 pp.  1 map. Morse
> (1936) - The geologic history of Tombigbee State Park.  Mississippi
> State Geological Survey Bulletin 33.  22 pp.  1 map. Morse (1937) -
> Geologic history of Legion State Park.  Mississippi State Geological
> Survey Bulletin 35.  17 pp. __________________________________
> Conference Abstracts Volumes
> (2001) - NAPC 2001, program & abstracts, North American Paleontological
> Convention 2001, Paleontology in the New Millennium, June 26-July 1,
> 2001.  PaleoBios 21(2)Supplement.  144 pp. [photocopy]
> __________________________________
> Cambrian Paleontology & Stratigraphy
> Hessland (1954) - Boring through the Cambrian and Ordovician strata at
> Boda Hamn, Oland II, 3. Studies in the lithogenesis of the Cambrian and
> basal Ordovician of the Boda Hamn sequence of strata.  Bulletin of the
> Geological Institution of the University of Upsala 35: 35-109, 7 pls.
> [photocopy] Banks (1956) - The Middle and Upper Cambrian Series (Dundas
> Group and its correlates) in Tasmania.  pp. 165-212 in  El Sistema
> Cambrico, su Paleogeografia y el Problema de su Base, Tomo II, Parte II:
> Australia, America.  Mexico City.  20th International Geological
> Congress. [photocopy] Henningsmoen (1956) - The Cambrian of Norway.  pp.
> 45-57 in  El Sistema Cambrico, su Paleogeografia y el Problema de su
> Base, Tomo I - Parte I: Europa, Africa, Asia.  Mexico City.  20th
> International Geological Congress. [photocopy] Shabanov & Savitskiy &
> Chernysheva (1967) - Biostratigraphy of the Mayan Stage in the Igarsk
> region.  in  Materialy po stratigrafii i paleontologii Sibiri.  Trudy
> Sibirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta Geologii, Geofiziki i
> Mineralognogo Syrya (SNIGGIMS), Seriya Stratigraphiya i Paleontologiya
> 55: 59-65. [in Russian] [photocopy] Janssens (1973) - Stratigraphy of
> the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician rocks in Ohio.  Ohio Geological Survey
> Bulletin 64.  197 pp.  9 pls. (= 9 maps) [photocopy] [partial copy -
> well cuttings descriptions not copied] Rees (1986) - A fault-controlled
> trough through a carbonate platform: the Middle Cambrian House Range
> Embayment.  Geological Society of America Bulletin 97: 1054-1069.
> [photocopy] Landing & Narbonne & Myrow (eds.) (1988) - Trace fossils,
> small shelly fossils and the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, proceedings,
> August 8-18, 1987, Memorial University.  New York State Museum Bulletin
> 463.  81 pp. [photocopy] Ahlberg (ed.) (1998) - IV Field Conference of
> the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International
> Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy, Sweden, 24-31 August 1998, guide
> to excursions in Scanian and Vastergotland, southern Sweden.  Lund
> Publications in Geology 141.  47 pp. [photocopy] Jensen & Grant (1998) -
> Trace fossils from the Dividalen Group, northern Sweden: implications
> for Early Cambrian biostratigraphy of Baltica.  Norsk Geologisk
> Tidsskrift78: 305-317. [photocopy] Peng & Babcock & Lin & Chen & Zhu
> (2001) - Potential global stratotype section and point for the base of
> an Upper Cambrian series defined by the first appearance of the
> trilobite Glyptagnostus reticulatus, Hunan Province, China.  Acta
> Palaeontologica Sinica 40(Supplement): 157-172. [photocopy] Peng &
> Babcock & Lin & Chen & Zhu (2001) - Route 3: Paibi, Hunan Province (3a);
> Huanglian, Guizhou Province (3b), Cambrian stratigraphy at Paibi, Hunan
> Province, China: candidate section for a global unnamed series and
> reference section for the Waergangian Stage.  in  Cambrian System of
> South China.  Palaeworld 13: 162-171. [photocopy]
> __________________________________
> Ordovician Paleontology & Stratigraphy
> Weller (1907) - Descriptions of new species of Ordovician fossils from
> China.  Proceedings of the United States National Museum 32: 557-563.
> Hessland (1949) - Investigations of the Lower Ordovician of the Siljan
> District, Sweden IV, lithogenesis and changes of level in the Siljan
> District during a period of the Lower Ordovician.  Bulletin of the
> Geological Institution of the University of Upsala 33: 437-510, 14 pls.
> __________________________________
> Devonian Paleontology & Stratigraphy
> Clarke (1889) - A list of the species constituting the known fauna and
> flora of the Marcellus Epoch in the State of New York.  Forty-Second
> Annual Report of the New York State Museum: 3-4. Hansen (1994) - Ohio
> Shale concretions.  Ohio Geological Survey GeoFacts 4.  2 pp.
> __________________________________
> Devonian-Mississippian Stratigraphy & Paleontology
> Coogan (ed.) (1986) - Late Devonian and Early Mississippian strata at
> Stebbins Gulch, Geauga County, and Quarry Rock, Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
> Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting, Kent, Ohio,
> 1986 Field Trip Guidebook, Field Trip Number One.  16 pp.
> __________________________________
> Mississippian Paleontology
> Greene (1911) - The Huron Group in western Monroe and eastern Greene
> Counties, Indiana.  Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 1910:
> 269-288. __________________________________
> Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy & Paleontology
> Greene (1911) - Fauna of the Brazil Limestone.  Proceedings of the
> Indiana Academy of Science 1910: 169-171. Schultze (1995) - Terrestrial
> biota in coastal marine deposits: fossil-Lagerstatten in the
> Pennsylvanian of Kansas, USA.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
> Palaeoecology 119: 255-273. [photocopy]
> __________________________________
> Permian Paleontology & Stratigraphy
> Beede (1910) - The correlation of the Guadalupian and the Kansas
> sections.  American Journal of Science 30: 131-140.
> __________________________________
> Jurassic Paleontology & Stratigraphy
> Hardy (1952) - Stratigraphy and structure of the Arapien Shale and the
> Twist Gulch Formation in Sevier Valley, Utah.  Ohio State University
> Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations 62: 91-97. Palmer & Fursich (1974) -
> The ecology of a Middle Jurassic hardground and crevice fauna.
> Palaeontology 17(3): 507-524. [photocopy]
> __________________________________
> Acritarchs
> Zang (1992) - Sinian and Early Cambrian floras and biostratigraphy on
> the South China Platform.  Palaeontographica, Abteilung B,
> Palaophytologie 224: 75-119, 8 pls. [includes Chengjiang Lagerstatte
> fossils] [photocopy]  __________________________________
> Dinoflagellates
> Harland (1992) - Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the last 2.3 Ma
> from the Rockall Plateau, northeast Atlantic Ocean.  Journal of the
> Geologcial Society 149: 7-12. __________________________________
> Radiolarians
> Baker (1983) - Evolution and hybridization in the radiolarian genera
> Theocorythium and Lamprocyclas.  Paleobiology 9(4): 341-354. Casey &
> Wigley & Perez-Guzman (1983) - Biogeographic and ecologic perspecitve on
> polycystine radiolarian evolution.  Paleobiology 9(4): 363-376. Kellogg
> (1983) - Phenology of morphologic change in radiolarian lineages from
> deep-sea cores: implications for macroevolution.  Paleobiology 9(4):
> 355-362. Lazarus (1983) - Speciation in pelagic Protista and its study
> in the planktonic microfossil record: a review.  Paleobiology 9(4):
> 327-340. Holdsworth & Nell (1992) - Mesozoic radiolarian faunas from the
> Antarctic Peninsula: age, tectonic and palaeoceanographic significance.
> Journal of the Geological Society 149: 1003-1020. Won & Iams (2002) -
> Late Cambrian radiolarian faunas and biostratigraphy of the Cow Head
> Group, western Newfoundland.  Journal of Paleontology 76(1): 1-33. [pdf
> printout] __________________________________
> Silicoflagellates
> McCartney & Loper (1989) - Optimized skeletal morphologies of
> silicoflagellate genera Dictyocha and Distephanus.  Paleobiology 15(3):
> 283-298. __________________________________
> Foraminiferans
> Malmgren & Berggren & Lohmann (1983) - Evidence for punctuated
> gradualism in the Late Neogene Globorotalia tumida lineage of planktonic
> foraminifera.  Paleobiology 9(4): 377-389. De Renzi (1988) - Shell
> coiling in some larger foraminifera: general comments and problems.
> Paleobiology 14(4): 387-400. [2 copies] Wei & Kennett (1988) - Phyletic
> gradualism and punctuated equilibrium in the late Neogene planktonic
> foraminiferal clade Globoconella.  Paleobiology 14(4): 345-363. [2
> copies] __________________________________

Glenn Jaecks
Department of Geology
One Shields Ave.
University of California
Davis, CA

ph: (530)752-0350
fax: (530)752-0951
"His earliest memory was of a geologist."  Joseph Heller, 1955, p.53