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paleonet Paleontological Society Special Publication Sale

Backlisted Titles reduced to $5.00 per volume (plus S&H)

         The Paleontological Society is offering a clearance sale of 
Special Publications thru March 1, 2004.  The following volumes of Studies 
in Geology, Short Course Notes and Special Publications are available for 
the reduced price of $5.00 per volume (plus S&H).

-Gingerich, P. and C.E. Badgeley (eds.), 1984. Mammals, 234 pp.
-Bottjer, D.J.  C. E. Hickman, and P.D. Ward (eds.), 1985. Mollusks, 305 pp.
-Gastaldo, R. (ed.), 1986. Land Plants, 226 pp.

-Mikulic, D.G. (ed.), 1990. Arthropod Paleobiology. 315 pp.
-Gilinsky, N.L. and P.W. Signor, ((eds.), 1991. Analytical Paleobiology, 
216 pp.
-Maples, C.R. and R.R. West, (eds.), 1992. Trace Fossils, 238 pp.
-Kidwell, S.M. and A.K. Behrensmeyer, (eds.), 1993.Taphonomic Approaches to 
Time Resolution in Fossil Assemblages, 302 pp.

-Flessa, K. (ed.), 1987. Paleoecology and Taphonomy of Recent to 
Pleistocene Intertidal Deposits, Gulf of California, 240 pp.
-DiMichele, W.A. and S.L. Wing, (eds.), 1988. Methods and applications of 
plant paleoecology, 171 pp.

         In addition the series Paleontological Society Papers and the 
following Special Publications are available for $20 per volume (except 
where noted) plus shipping and handling.

-Stanley, G.D. (ed.), 1996. Paleobiology and Biology of Corals, vol. 1, 291 
pp. [$10]
-Scotchmoor, J. and F. K. McKinney, (eds.), 1996. Learning From the Fossil 
Record, Volume 2, 329 pp.
-Maples, C. and J. Waters, (eds.), 1997. Geobiology of Echinoderms, Vol. 3: 
355 pp.
-Norris, R.D. and R. M. Corfield, (eds.), 1998,Volume 4: Isotope 
Paleobiology and Paleoecology, 285  pp.
-Kelley, P.H., J.R. Bryan, and T.A. Hansen, (eds.), 1999. The 
Evolution-Creation Controversy II: Perspectives on Science, Religion, and 
Geological Education. vol. 5, 242 pp.
-Gastaldo, R.A. and W. A. DiMichele, (eds.), 2000. Phanerozoic Terrestrial 
Ecosystems,  vol. 6. 306 pp.
-Carlson, S.J. and M. R. Sandy, (eds.), 2001. Brachiopods Ancient and 
Modern: A Tribute to G. Arthur Cooper, vol. 7, 257 pp.
-Kowalewski, M. and P. H. Kelley, (eds.), 2002, The Fossil Record of 
Predation, vol. 8, 396 pp.
-Park, Lisa E. and Smith, Alison J., (eds.), 2003. Bridging the Gap: Trends 
in the Ostracode Biological and Geological Sciences, vol. 9, 290 pp.

-Prothero. D. & R. Schoch, (eds.), 1994. Major Features of Vertebrate 
Evolution, 270 pp.
-Blome, C., P. Whalen and K. Reed, (eds.), 1995. Siliceous 
Microfossils  185 pp.

-Feldmann, R.M., R. Chapman, and J.T. Hannibal, (eds.), 1989. 
Paleotechniques,  vol. 4, 358 pp.
-Rosenberg, G.D. and D.L. Wolberg, (eds.), 1994. Dinofest, vol. 7, 504 pp.
-White, R.D. and Warren D. Allmon, (eds.), 2000. Guidelines for the 
Management and Curation of Invertebrate Fossil Collections: Including a 
Data Model and Standards for Computerization, vol. 10, 260 pp.
-Scotchmoor, J. and D.A. Springer, (eds.) 2002.  Evolution: Investigating 
the Evidence, 2nd edition, vol. 11: 330 pp.


         The Special Publication Office is located in New Haven 
Connecticut. This fall the Paleontological Society moved the inventory of 
Special Publications to Yale University, where Yale's printing service, 
Reprographics & Imaging Service (RIS), is managing the inventory, ordering 
and distribution of special publications. RIS has developed an online 
ordering system over a secure web site.

         Orders may be placed by following the links on the Paleontological 
Society web site (<http://paleosoc.org/>http://paleosoc.org) to an online 
ordering system. Orders may be placed with a MasterCard or Visa credit 
card, may be faxed ((203) 432-6274) or mailed to: Paleontological Society 
Special Publications, Reprographics & Imaging Services, Yale University, 
155 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520 USA.

         Questions regarding an existing order may be directed to Tim White 


Tim White, Senior Collection Manager         Yale University
Division of Invertebrate Paleontology             170 Whitney Ave., PO Box 
Peabody Museum of Natural History            New Haven, CT 06520-8118

203.432.3767 (voice); 203.432.9816 (fax)
tim.white@yale.edu (email); www.peabody.yale.edu (www)

Paleontological Society Special Publications Editor

Visit the IP Image Gallery at www.yale.edu/ypmip!