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paleonet Re:First Annual Midwest Symposium of Student PaleontologicalResearch

Thanks for the reply!  We did take into consideration the fact that 
many people will be presenting at the North Central GSA meeting. In 
fact, one of the goals of this conference is to allow students who 
may be presenting at meetings such as GSA the chance to present their 
research at this conference first.  This would allow them a chance to 
obtain additional input about their presentation so they will be 
better prepared for GSA.  This meeting is also meant to provide 
students who may not yet be ready to present at larger scale meetings 
like GSA the opportunity to become acclimated to presenting at an 
academic symposium.

On another note, I would also like to address another possible 
question about our conference that may come up.  The word Midwest in 
our title refers to the location of the meeting and is in no way a 
geographical restriction on who is eligible to present at this 
conference.  Any student researcher is welcome, including those 
outside of the U.S.  Just wanted to address that so it didn't become 
a problem.

Also, anyone who would like us to send them more information about 
this conference, simply e-mail us at paleo_uw@geology.wisc.edu and we 
will send you one of our information packs.

>Hi Guys,
>	I'll make sure to let students working on paleo and 
>sedimenatry geology projects know about the meeting.  A number of 
>them will likely be interested although they may be giving papers as 
>posters at the North-Central GSA meeting in the spring of 04 as 
>well..............Dr. Day