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FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR SHORT VISITS TO THE SWEDISH MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY (NATURHISTORISKA RIKSMUSEET, NRM) Fourth and last call We have the opportunity to offer economic support to scientists who wish to use the collections and/or other research facilities at NRM. The resources are made available through the European Commission's "Improving the Human Research Potential and the Socio-economic Knowledge Base" (IHP) scheme. Our programme at NRM, entitled "Access to Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet High Latitude" (High Lat), will run until 29 February 2004. High Lat funded visits to NRM will have to be accomplished by this date. The grant enables us to meet international travel and accommodation costs for visiting scientists. The last call for applications is opened. There are a number of terms and conditions associated with this opportunity, as outlined below. If you are interested in applying for support, or are uncertain about whether you are eligible, please visit our website (http://www.nrm.se/highlat/) or contact the project manager (<mailto:highlat@nrm.se)>highlat@nrm.se). 1) To be eligible you must conduct your research in a EU Member State or Associated State (http://www.nrm.se/highlat/conditions.html). Scientists working in Sweden are not eligible for support under the High Lat programme. 2) A formal application must be made. Please read the Application Guidelines (http://www.nrm.se/highlat/applguide.html) before completing the Application Form (http://www.nrm.se/highlat/application.html). The next and last deadline for submission of applications is 6 June 2003. 3) Priority will be given to scientists who have not previously used our facilities and who are working in regions of the EU where few such research infrastructures exist. We hope that many of you will see this as a chance to visit the Swedish Museum of Natural History, utilising collections and other facilities that have not previously been available to you. Irene Bisang, HIGH LAT co-ordinator *************************************************** Lars Werdelin Chair, Department of Palaeozoology Swedish Museum of Natural History Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden ***************************************************
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