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Dear Paleonetters, I apologize for doing something that I know is wrong: "reply to an off topic". I am very sorry, Norm, but I will do it only once. I am the "owner" of the list IBERPAL (I prefer to be called "manager" or "moderator"); the list is placed in the listserv of RedIRIS, the Spanish Academic and Research Network. I have been accused by another PALEONET's subscriber (Xavier Panades i Blas) for being partial and unjust when I expelled him from the list. Fist of all, I am most grateful to Patricio and Bruno for their messages, and their support of my management. They both are also subscribers of Iberpal and, in the Xavier's case, they know what they are talking about. Clearly, I do not have to justify nothing in this list (it is actually an off-topic!). In the past I wasted a lot of time in this case, and nowadays I am really tired of all that. (If you have had a heated argument with Xavier, you know what I mean). Actually I have been thinking about not replying to any message of this thread, but I cannot stand up the false accusations of this subscriber. I do not want to start any controversy; the following are "my facts" and this will be my first and last message; I am sorry but I won't reply any message in this list about this item (I am very tired, really). IBERPAL archives are open to all the subscribers and you can read the messages; they will tell you the truth. In short words: -Xavier Panades i Blas was expelled twice from Iberpal, because of his misbehaviour and bad manners. He broke the most essential rules of the lists of RedIRIS. -The first time, Xavier finished with a "mail bombing" against the list. Fortunately, I had put the list in mode "review" (I had to approve all the messages before being sent to the list), and only my mailbox suffered the attack. -As a result of this, Xavier was expelled from the list, and the network administrators of RedIRIS and my university (Universitat de València) put a filter to prevent another attack (more than 250 messages from Xavier address in a few minutes!). -I sent an official complaint to the managers of Xavier's university and they apologized about his behaviour. I know that another official complaint was sent by a member of the staff of the Station Marine d'Endoume, in Marseille. -The second time, Xavier subscribed to Iberpal from a different email address. I noticed that this breakes the rules (this is an usual trick when you are expelled from a list), but I let him be. Maybe his behaviour would get better. -But, after some "correct" messages, Xavier started to be in the same way and, after several warnings, I decided to expel it another time from the list. -After that, and being tired of his bad-manners, I decided to send all the personal messages of Xavier directly to the trash of my computer. -Two weeks ago, Xavier sent several messages to the staff of RedIRIS, claiming he had been unfairly expelled, accusing me for being very rude and partial in my decision. But the archives of IBERPAL speak very clear and Xavier is not allowed to subscribe to any list of RedIRIS listserv. It is not my decission but the RedIRIS staff. Tha last episode started when Xavier claimed in this message in PALEONET (N.B. please place "unpleasant arguments" instead of "discussion", in his message): >I also remember sometimes ago there was a similar discussion on >IBERPAL@LISTSERV.REDIRIS.ES, and the person that started the discussion was >expelled unfairly from the list because he he belonged to one of the >"nations, tribes or races" that Europeans do not care about them! This is incredible! This is a grave accusation of xenophobia I cannot tolerate. I belong to a community (Comunitat Valenciana) placed to the South of Catalonia (the nation which Xavier is speaking about) and our cultures are very, very close; we speak a common language: "Català" (here it is called "Valencià", but is the same language). Actually, sometimes we speak about "Païssos Catalans" (Catalonia, Valencia, Andorra, Balearic Islands, North of Catalonia, ...) because there are no clear limits between our cultures or languages. Moreover, I am a lecturer in the University of Valencia, and I teach all my lectures in Catalan. This is a common stratagem of Xavier (as Iberpal subscribers know very well): when somebody reprimands him for his behaviour, he pretends to be the victim of some kind of xenophobia of personal hunt. These are "my reasons why". I do not mind what has been the behaviour of Xavier in Paleonet, but we know very well why he was expelled from Iberpal. Iberpal archives are open if you would like to know. I am sorry if my message "troubles" the Paleonet list. As the owner of another list, I know how hard can be for the manager (thanks in advance, Norm). Apologies for my mistakes. English is my fourth language, after Spanish, Catalan and French. Miguel V. Pardo Alonso -- -- ******************************** Miguel V. Pardo Alonso Departamento de Geología Universitat de València ********************************
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