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RE: paleonet Who is Granier

Gentlemen...please let's really be gentlemen.

Guy DiTorrice
PO Box 256
Newport OR  97365

-----Original Message-----
From: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk [mailto:paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk]On
Behalf Of Xavier Panades I Blas
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 3:10 AM
To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
Cc: baldwin@shsu.edu
Subject: RE: paleonet Who is Granier

"Mr. Blas"

Mr. Smith my surname is Mr. Panades I Blas, after all the many emigrations
from different people into white anglosaxon countries you should not
anglisized surnames.
Please, I would appareciate if you could respect at least my original
surmane as it is respected in England!

"Once again you intrude into a most serious (and potentially litigious)
issue that you both devalue and abuse by once again adding your own petty
political sting to the end of your posting."

It seems that you are having psycotropic allucinations, you are overjudging
my message, where are the political messages in my email?

"I consider this sort of axe-grinding reprehensible."

I consider "axe-grinding reprehensible" yours and others arrogant emails
judging me because of my background and fake speculations. I do not mind
whether you or whoever else are powerful or Professors or whatever, nobody
has any rights of disrespecting me...I am not scared if you or anybody else
stops me from publishing in "number 1" journals!!!!

"I suggest that everyone who wants to be a serious participant in this
thread should first take a deep breath and reflect whether or not their
observations, accusations, and utterances are in any way appropriate and

Practice what you preach

"Granted, important issues that are relevant to this list are being
discussed. Unfortunately the language and the degeneration in ad hominem are
singularly inappropriate and should stop."

1. People like you allowed Bruno Granier, some Spaniards, and others in the
past insulted and threatrened my carreer on suspicions grounds...

2. Hence, this list seems to have double standards

3. You should stop the "language and the degeneration in ad hominem "
against people that does not share your socio-genetic, economic, and
prestigious background,...

"Chris Baldwin"

Have a nice day!


Xavier Panades I Blas
55, Marksbury Road
Bristol BS3 5JY
England (EC)


From: "baldwin" <baldwin@shsu.edu>
Reply-To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
To: <paleonet@nhm.ac.uk>
Subject: RE: paleonet Who is Granier
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 14:48:44 -0600

Mr. Blas

Once again you intrude into a most serious (and potentially litigious) issue
that you both devalue and abuse by once again adding your own petty
political sting to the end of your posting. I consider this sort of
axe-grinding reprehensible.

I suggest that everyone who wants to be a serious participant in this thread
should first take a deep breath and reflect whether or not their
observations, accusations, and utterances are in any way appropriate and

Granted, important issues that are relevant to this list are being
discussed. Unfortunately the language and the degeneration in ad hominem are
singularly inappropriate and should stop.

Chris Baldwin

-----Original Message-----
From: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk [mailto:paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk] On Behalf
Of Xavier Panades I Blas
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 10:53 AM
To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
Subject: Re: paleonet Who is Granier

I think Dr. Canu should contact Dr. Granier University or employee and he

should be investigated seriously. Particularly somebody that so freely

judges other people by their work and origin and then his work is based on

dodgy background....I wonder his deep and sincere love for the Spanish State

comes from...


Xavier Panades I Blas

55, Marksbury Road


Bristol BS3 5JY

England (EC)


From: Bruno GRANIER <bruno-granier@wanadoo.fr>

Reply-To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk

To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk

Subject: Re: paleonet Who is Granier

Date: Thu,  2 Nov 2006 16:53:08 +0100 (CET)

Thank you again Mr. X for advertising my work (though few people in this

list care about fossil Dasycladales), not to forget my co-authors' work!

I am going to ease your "job": my published work is listed on


(eventually you can download some!)

Which one will you choose next? Where are your proofs?

I also have reprints available for this paper in case anyone is interested I

can send him/her a copy (I have more than thirty five left):

Granier B., Ait Sliman M.A. & Fedan B. [1997].- "Triploporella ? atlasica n.

sp., une Dasycladacée (Algue verte) du Paléocène-Eocène de l'Atlas

moyen, Maroc". Revue de Paléobiologie, Geneva, 16/1, p. 47-53, 1 fig., 1


The reply is coming VERY soon ...

Regards to all (except for Mr. X)



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