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Er, obviously that should have read 'a little more than 24 hours to the June 9 deadline', not July 9. Thanks to those people who pointed this out offline. Mark On 8/6/06 12:50, "Mark Purnell" <map2@leicester.ac.uk> wrote: > ICOS 2006, July 12 - 30, 2006. > University of Leicester, Leicester, U.K. > > Conodonts and other aspects of vertebrate biology and evolution > > Details and online booking at: > http://www.le.ac.uk/gl/conodont/ICOS2006/ICOS2006.html > > With a little more than 24 hours to go before the July 9 abstract submission > deadline this is a final reminder for anyone wishing to submit a talk or > poster for ICOS 2006. Registration for the meeting will be possible after July > 9th, but a late booking fee will apply. > > This year marks the Sesquicentennial of C. H. Pander's monograph > in which conodonts were described for the first time, but Pander also > described a number of other vertebrates and was a pioneer of vertebrate > embryology. > To celebrate the anniversary, ICOS will include a Pander symposium, > considering Pander's broader scientific contribution. > Keynote speakers in this symposium will include: > > Professor R. J. Aldridge (Leicester), on Pander and the phylogenetic position > of the conodonts - then and now > Professor Simon Knell (Museum Studies, Leicester), on Pander¹s enigma: the > first century of conodont studies > Professor Anthony Graham (Developmental Biology, King's College, London) on > Pander's embryological work and the current state of the art > Professor Peter Forey (Palaeontology, Natural History Museum) on Pander 1856 > and ostracoderm vertebrates - from bits of scale to living fishes > > Other contributions dealing with any aspect of Pander's scientific legacy are > also welcome. > > Much of ICOS 2006, the first International Conodont Symposium will focus on > conodonts, and keynote addresses by leading authorities in the field will > summarize the current state of the art. Anyone with an interest is welcome to > attend all or part of the meeting. > > Details and online booking at: > http://www.le.ac.uk/gl/conodont/ICOS2006/ICOS2006.html Dr Mark A. Purnell Department of Geology University of Leicester University Road Leicester LE1 7RH UK Tel +44 116 252 3645 Fax +44 116 252 3918 www.le.ac.uk/gl/map2/
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