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Re: paleonet A "new" portal: Geoscience e-Journals

Thanks for the work of all of you that has led in this direction.


judith harris
emerita professor
university of colorado museum
p.o. box 278
chama, nm  87520

On Apr 15, 2006, at 9:01 AM, Bruno GRANIER wrote:

> Dear Paleoneters,
> We are currently transforming a former webring into a genuine  
> portal of e-journals dealing with earth sciences in general  
> (palaeontology, geography, ...) and with a particular common  
> feature : "they are all offering published material in open  
> access*" (*: actualy most of them offer all their material in full  
> open-access though others still offer a limited number of papers).
> Obviously the leading title in palaeontology is "PE", ... but the  
> portal includes also journals (Carnets de Géologie, Revue de  
> Paléobiologie, Geologia Croatica, ...) which publish a significant  
> amount of palaeontological contributions.
> I invite you to bookmark the following URL:
> http://paleopolis.rediris.es/geosciences/
> and to forward this ms to your friends and colleagues.
> Yours sincerely,
> Bruno Granier
> http://perso-sdt.univ-brest.fr/~bgranier/geologie/paleontologie/ 
> granier.html