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Re: paleonet stir it up?

Sorry.  I don't agree that Tibet is part of China.  Not
like Ireland and Britain.

--- chris king <chrking@globalnet.co.uk> wrote:

> Dont let's forget that this started with an innocent
> request for locality information. 
> The terminology of science is a means of international
> communication, and in a geographically based science such
> as geology this includes locality information. Our
> political views should have no bearing on our need to
> provide universally understood information. To ignore
> existing geopolitical units (e.g. Spain) runs counter to
> this need, and sets a dangerous trend. We cannot pretend,
> for example, that (at present) Tibet is not part of
> China, or that northern Ireland is not part of the U K. 
> This does not mean that we dont respect (or agree with)
> the views of those opposed to their current status.
> We are all involved in politics, whether we like it or
> not, but please lets keep it out of our science.  
> Chris King 
> --
> Chris King
> 16A Park Road, Bridport, Dorset (former Wessex, former
> Kingdom of the Durotriges)
> DT6 5DA, England, (former Britannia, former kingdom of
> the Duke of Normandy) 
> Phone 01308 459225
> Email chrking@globalnet.co.uk

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