Dear colleagues,
the North American Micropaleontology Section of SEPM, has recently initiated a
major overhaul of our website at a new address. This is still a work in
progress, but we hope that it will provide useful information about
micropaleontology and about the section's activities, including old newsletters,
scholarship forms, etc. The content will be filled in and expanded with time.
The new web address for NAMS:
In addition, I would like to call your attention to
the NAMS-sponsored activities scheduled for next week at the 2006 AAPG/SEPM
Annual Meeting, Houston, TX,
April 9-12 at the George
R. Brown
Convention Center:
A poster session, "CHRONOS:
Constraining the Geologic Record," co-chaired by R. F. Waszczak and P. P.
McLaughlin, will be held Monday morning, April 10th.
An oral session,
"Integrating Biostratigraphy into Geologic Models," co-chaired by P.
Sikora and J. Gamber, will be held Monday afternoon, April 10th.
An evening program co-sponsored
by NAMS' Marine Micropaleontology Research Group and the SEPM Quantitative Stratigraphy
Research Group will be held on Monday, April 10th from 7 to 10 p.m. at the
Hilton Americas Hotel Room 337B, which is connected to the George R. Brown Convention Center.
The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. with a short social period
including refreshments that have been kindly sponsored by Devon Energy
Corporation. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. with a presentation by
Dr. Kenneth Miller on “Phanerozoic Sea Level Changes: Implications to Phytoplankton
Evolution”. On behalf of the International Commission on
Stratigraphy and CHRONOS, Dr. Jim Ogg will give an update and demo on
“Time-Scale Creator – Phanerozoic Stratigraphy Database and
Chart-making Visualization Package”, an earth history tool for all
stratigraphers. Finally, Kerstin Lehnert and Walt Snyder will give a combined
talk and demo on several NSF digital information system projects. Their
talk is entitled “SedDB, PaleoStrat, and SESAR – A Partnership for
International Sedimentary Geologic and Paleontologic Geoinformatics”.
There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and feedback. So, please join
us for an eventful evening.
In addition, a number of other
talks will be offered at the meeting by NAMS members and on
micropaleo-related topics. Please see the AAPG web site ( for the
complete program.
Thank you,
Pete McLaughlin
Peter P. McLaughlin,
Senior Scientist
Geological Survey
of Delaware
DE 19716-7501
phone: 302-831-8263
fax: 302-831-3579
home page: