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Re: paleonet Medusagraptus

Yes, Medusaegraptus is indead a dasyclad alga.
Steve's website is at http://www.emich.edu/public/geo/loduca/loduca.htm
where you will find a link to his gallery with larger photos.
If you any questions and wish to contact Steve directly, his email is
on his website.


Denis Tetreault, PhD
Dept. of Earth Sciences
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario, Canada  N9B 3P4

Email: deniskt@uwindsor.ca
Tel. (519) 253-3000 ext. 2495
Fax. (519) 973-7081

Bruno GRANIER wrote:
> http://www.ku.edu/~ifaa/jpg/LoDuca/LoDuca.html (unfortunately the links to the larger images are broken, I need to reload them!)
> Medusaegraptus mirabilis
> System: Silurian
> Formation: Goat Island
> Locality: Gasport, New York
> According to Steven LoDuca, it is a Dasyclad alga!