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paleonet Two postdoc positions

Please circulate:

Post-doctoral Fellowship. Applications are invited from 
biologists/paleobiologists (with a strong interest in philosophy) or 
philosophers (with training in biology) for a two-year post-doctoral 
position leading a study of possible universal principles of 
coloniality/sociality. The empirical component of the study is a 
search for the morphological, physiological, and behavioral 
correlates of the emergence of colonial associations generally (from 
bryozoans to bees to buffalo). The philosophical component is an 
analytical study of the possible correlates, leading to methods for 
operationalizing them. For a more detailed description of the 
project, see: www.biology.duke.edu/mcshealab. Funding for the 
position is expected but pending. Opportunity to join Duke Biology 
Dept, which has exceptional strength in evolutionary studies. 
Applicants should submit a CV, short statement of research interests, 
one or two sample papers, and names and e-mail addresses of three 
references. Electronic submission of documents is encouraged. 
Consideration of candidates will begin on 15 February. Start date is 
1 July. Send materials to: Dan McShea, dmcshea@duke.edu,  Dept. of 
Biology, Duke University, Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708.

Post-doctoral fellowship for Academic Year 2006-2007. The Duke Center 
for the Philosophy of Biology invites applications from philosophers 
and biologists for its NSF sponsored post-doctoral fellowship in the 
philosophy of biology. This fellowship is intended for junior faculty 
who can secure research leaves from their universities and/or who 
will have completed their Ph.D.s immediately before taking up the 
fellowship. In addition to their research, fellows will participate 
in the Center's faculty research seminar, help organize the annual 
philosophy of biology conference, and teach one graduate seminar on 
their area of special interest. Applicants should submit vita, list 
of references, one or more sample papers, and a statement describing 
the area of research to which the candidate proposes to devote their 
fellowship period. Electronic submission of documents is encouraged. 
Consideration of candidates will commence on 15 February. Send 
material to Robert Brandon, rbrandon@duke.edu, Department of 
Philosophy, Box 90743, Duke University Durham, NC, 27708


Dan McShea
Dept. of Biology
Duke University
Box 90338
Durham, NC  27708-0338

Office phone: 919-660-7342
E-mail: dmcshea@duke.edu
FAX: 919-660-7293
