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paleonet free paleo. reprints (list 6)

To all Paleonetters,

I have rescued more library discards of interest to the paleo. community & I am willing to mail them to good homes anywhere in the world.  The items include paleo., strat., general geology, and biology/ecology papers.  I have divided the list into several parts because the entire list is too long for one Paleonet posting.

Please be as specific as possible about which items you’d like.

Off-line requests only, please.

E-mail your wish lists off-line to:   stjohn.2@osu.edu

Please include your complete & current mailing address.

“Anything left over at the end” requests are also welcome.

Due to the large volume of requests I get from these offerings, please understand that some time will elapse before you hear back from me about what you may or may not be getting.

Compensating me for postage costs is welcome (but not necessary), especially for the larger packages (the postage adds up!).  Normal-mailing me a check is fine.  Could also use Paypal (to “stjohn.2@osu.edu”).


James St. John


James St. John
Founders Hall 156A
1179 University Drive
Ohio State University at Newark
Newark, Ohio 43055  USA


Huey (1927-1945) - [17 articles on modern mammals of Mexico & Arizona & Utah 
& California]  Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History.

Stirton & Vanderhoof (1933) - Osteoborus, a new genus of dogs, and its 
relations to Borophagus Cope.  University of California Publications, 
Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences 23(4): 175-181.

Burt (1934) - The mammals of southern Nevada.  Transactions of the San Diego 
Society of Natural History 7(36): 375-428, 1 map.

Lyon (1938) - Megalonyx milleri, a new Pleistocene ground sloth from 
southern California.  Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural 
History 9(6): 15-29.

Chattin (1941) - The distribution of pocket gophers in southeastern 
California.  Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 9(27): 

Rodgers & Memmler (1943) - Growth in the western blue-tailed skink.  
Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 10(3): 61-67.

Reynolds & Koopman & Williams (1953) - A cave faunule from western Puerto 
Rico with a discussion of the genus Isolobodon.  Breviora 12.  8 pp.

Olsen (1956) - The Caninae of the Thomas Farm Miocene.  Breviora 66.  12 pp.

Black (1958) - A new sicistine rodent from the Miocene of Wyoming.  Breviora 
86.  7 pp.

Gazin (1958) - A new dichobunid artiodactyl from the Unita Eocene.  Breviora 
96.  6 pp.

Koopman (1958) - A fossil vampire bat from Cuba.  Breviora 90.  4 pp.  1 pl.

Patterson (1958a) - A new genus of erethizontid rodents from the 
Colhuehuapian of Patagonia.  Breviora 92.  4 pp.

Patterson (1958b) - Affinities of the Patagonian fossil mammal Necrolestes.  
Breviora 94.  14 pp.

Patterson & Simons (1958) - A new barylambdid pantodont from the Late 
Paleocene.  Breviora 93.  8 pp.

Black (1960) - A second record of the fossil rodent Palustrimus Wood.  
Breviora 131.  3 pp.

Reed (1960) - Insectivores of the Middle Miocene Split Rock local fauna, 
Wyoming.  Breviora 116.  11 pp.  2 pls.

Simons & Russell (1960) - Notes on the cranial anatomy of Necrolemur.  
Breviora 127.  14 pp.

Black (1961) - New rodents from the Early Miocene deposits of Sixty-Six 
Mountain, Wyoming.  Breviora 146.  7 pp.

Alf (1962) - A new species of the rodent Pipestoneomys from the Oligocene of 
Nebraska.  Breviora 172.  7 pp.

McGrew & Patterson (1962) - A picrodontid insectivore(?) from the Paleocene 
of Wyoming.  Breviora 175.  9 pp.

Patterson & McGrew (1962) - A new arctocyonid from the Paleocene of 
Wyoming.  Breviora 174.  10 pp.

Reed (1962) - Two new species of fossil talpid insectivores.  Breviora 168.  
6 pp.  1 pl.

James (1963) - Paleontology and nonmarine stratigraphy of the Cuyama Valley 
Badlands, California, part I, geology, faunal interpretations, and 
systematic descriptions of Chiroptera, Insectivora, and Rodentia.  
University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 45.  171 pp.

Ray (1964) - A new capromyid rodent from the Quaternary of Hispaniola. 
Breviora 203.  4 pp.

Riel (1964) - A new oreodont from the Cabbage Patch local fauna, western 
Montana.  Postilla 85.  10 pp.

Patterson (1965) - The auditory region of the borhyaenid marsupial 
Cladosictis.  Breviora 217.  9 pp.

Maglio (1966) - A revision of the fossil selendont artiodactyls from the 
Middle Miocene Thomas Farm, Gilchrist County, Florida.  Breviora 255.  27 pp.

Patterson (1968) - The extinct baboon, Parapapio jonesi, in the Early 
Pleistocene of northwestern Kenya.  Breviora 282.  4 pp.

Simpson (1968) - A didelphid (Marsupialia) from the Early Eocene of 
Colorado.  Postilla 115.  3 pp.

Tattersall (1968) - A mandible of Indraloris (Primates, Lorisidae) from the 
Miocene of India.  Postilla 123.  10 pp.

Wahlert (1968) - Variability of rodent incisor enamel as viewed in thin 
section, and the microstructure of the enamel in fossil and recent rodent 
groups.  Breviora 309.  18 pp.

Hiiemae & Jenkins (1969) - The anatomy and internal architecture of the 
muscles of mastication in Didelphis marsupials.  Postilla 140.  49 pp.

Jenkins (1969) - Occlusion in Docodon (Mammalia, Docodonta).  Postilla 139.  
24 pp.

Bown & Gingerich (1972) - Dentition of the Early Eocene primates Niptomomys 
and Absarokius.  Postilla 158.  10 pp.

Hager (1972) - A late Wisconsin-Recent vertebrate fauna from the Chimney 
Rock Animal Trap, Larimer County, Colorado.  University of Wyoming 
Contributions to Geology 11(2): 63-71.

Rose (1972) - A new tillodont from the Eocene Upper Willwood Formation of 
Wyoming.  Postilla 155.  13 pp.

Simons (1974) - Parapithecus grangeri (Parapithecidae, Old World higher 
primates): new species from the Oligocene of Egypt and the initial 
differentiation of Ceropithecoidea.  Postilla 166.  12 pp.

Lillegravan (1976) - Didelphids (Marsupialia) and Uintasorex (?Primates) 
from the later Eocene sediments of San Diego County, California.  
Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 18(5): 85-112.

Prothero & Tedford (2000) - Magnetic stratigraphy of the type Motediablan 
Stage (Late Miocene), Black Hawk Ranch, Contra Costa County, California: 
implications for regional correlations.  PaleoBios 20(3): 1-10.

Stefen (2001) - Barstovian (Miocene) beavers from Stewart Valley, Nevada, 
and a discussion of the genus Monosaulax based on tooth morphology.  
PaleoBios 21(1): 1-14.

Aquatic Plants

Hansen (1980) - Morphological characterization of encrusting, palynomorph 
green algae from the Cretaceous-Tertiary of central West Greenland and 
Denmark.  Grana 19: 67-77.

Keiper & de Szalay (2004) - Simulated effect of nutrient enrichment by 
Canada geese on macrophytes and algae in Ohio lakes.  Kirtlandia 54: 33-42.

Land Plants (including pollen)

DeFriese (1877) - Report on the timbers of the North Cumberland, Bell and 
Harland Counties.  [Kentucky Geological Survey Reports of Progress, Second 
Series 4(9).]  24 pp.

Berry (1907) - Paleobotanical notes.  Johns Hopkins University Circular 199: 
79-99. [includes Cretaceous of North & South Carolina, Devonian of Maryland, 

Iversen (1936) - Sekundares Pollen als Fehlerquelle. Eine Korrektionsmethode 
zur Pollenanalyse minerogener Sedimente.  Danmarks Geologiske Undersogelse, 
IV. Raekke 2(15).  24 pp. + fold-out chart. [in German]

Troels-Smith (1937) - Pollenanalytisk Datering af Brabrand-Fundet.  Danmarks 
Geologiske Undersogelse, IV. Raekke 2(16).  24 pp.  1 pl. [in Danish; German 

Christensen (1946) - Measurement as a means of identifying fossil pollen.  
Danmarks Geologiske Undersogelse, IV. Raekke 3(2).  22 pp. + fold-out chart. 
[in English]

Christensen (1948) - Pollenananlytisk Datering af et Moselig fra Bredmose, 
Store Arden, Himmerland.  Danmarks Geologiske Undersogelse, IV. Raekke 3
(5).  16 pp. + fold-out chart. [in Danish; English summary]

Iversen & Troels-Smith (1950) - Pollenmorfologiske definitioner og typer.  
Danmarks Geologiske Undersogelse, IV. Raekke 3(8).  54 pp.  16 pls. [in 

Axelrod (1956) - Mio-Pliocene floras from west-central Nevada.  University 
of California Publications in Geological Sciences 33.  321 pp.  fold-out 

Axelrod (1958) - The Pliocene Verdi Flora of western Nevada.  University of 
California Publications in Geological Sciences 34(2): 91-159.

Lakhanpal (1958) - The Rujada Flora of west central Oregon.  University of 
California Publications in Geological Sciences 35(1): 1-66.

Axelrod & Ting (1960) - Late Pliocene floras east of the Sierra Nevada.  
University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 39(1): 1-117.

Axelrod & Ting (1961) - Early Pleistocene floras from the Chagoopa surface, 
southern Sierra Nevada.  University of California Publications in Geological 
Sciences 39(2): 119-193.

Axelrod (1962) - A Pliocene Sequoiadendron forest from western Nevada.  
University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 39(3): 195-268.

MacGintie (1962) - The Kilgore Flora, a Late Miocene flora from northern 
Nebraska.  University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 35
(2): 67-158.

Smiley (1963) - The Ellensburg Flora of Washington.  University of 
California Publications in Geological Sciences 35(3): 159-276.

Axelrod (1966) - The Eocene Copper Basin Flora of northeastern Nevada.  
University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 59.  125 pp.

Pabst (1968) - The flora of the Chuckanut Formation of northwestern 
Washington.  University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 
76.  85 pp.

Hope & Patterson (1969) - Triassic flora from the Deep River Basin, North 
Carolina.  North Carolina Division of Mineral Resources Special Publication 
2.  12 pp.  10 pls.

Ackerman & Williams (1980) - Pollen morphology of the tribe Neottieae and 
its impact on the classification of the Orchidaceae.  Grana 19: 7-18.

Andersen (1980) - Influence of climatic variation on pollen season severity 
in wind-pollinated trees and herbs.  Grana 19: 47-52.

Liem (1980) - Effects of light and temperature on anthesis of Holcus 
lanatus, Festuca rubra and Poa annua.  Grana 19: 21-29.

McDonald (1980) - Correlation of air-borne grass pollen levels with 
meteorological data.  Grana 19: 53-56.

Rogers (1980) - Pollen dimorphism in distylous species of Linum sect. 
Linastrum (Linaceae).  Grana 19: 19-20.

Singh & Babu (1980) - Grass pollen content of the atmosphere in Delhi area.  
Grana 19: 63-65.

Takahashi (1980) - On the development of the reticulate structure of 
Hemerocallis pollen (Liliaceae).  Grana 19: 3-5.

Ybert (1980) - Le contenu pollinique de l’atmosphere en Cote d’Ivoire et au 
Tchad.  Grana 19: 31-46.

MacRae (1988) - Palynostratigraphic correlation between the lower Karoo 
Sequence of the Waterberg and Pafuri coal-bearing basins and the 
Hammanskraal plant macrofossil locality, Republic of South Africa.  South 
Africa Geological Survey Memoir 75.  217 pp.

Goubet & Pfefferkorn & Gillespie (2000) - Neuralethopterids 
(trigonocarpalean pteridosperms) from the Early Pennsylvanian of eastern 
North America.  PaleoBios 20(3): 11-37.

Ash (2001) - New cycadophytes from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of 
the southwestern United States.  PaleoBios 21(1): 15-28.

Ochyra (2004a) - Antipodal mosses: XIV. On the taxonomic status of Grimmia 
lawiana (Bryopsida: Grimmiaceae) from the continental Antarctic.  Polish 
Polar Research 25(2): 111-122. [in English]

Ochyra (2004b) - Antipodal mosses: XV. Taxonomy and distribution of 
Schistidium cupulare (Bryopsida: Grimmiaceae).  Polish Polar Research 25(2): 
123-133. [in English]